I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for [the sake of] the land, that I would not destroy it, but I found no one [not even one].
Therefore (for this reason) I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; I have repaid their way [by bringing it] upon their own heads,” says the Lord God. (Ezekiel 22:30-31 Amp)
You and I are the object of God's pursuit. The desire of God's heart is to find people who will answer the invitation to stand in the gap between heaven and earth. This gap, this abyss represents the rift that exists between God and our culture. Many people's hearts have been clouded by satan's deception. Our current generation is only concerned with self. Many people desire power but no relationship with God. Many people desire power apart from God. Many people attend church services with the thought, “what can I get out of it.” All they want is an experience rather than a relationship with the One and only true living God. Now, this is a recipe for disaster.
This is why God is looking for someone to close this gap; someone to reconcile these two parties. Colossians 1:20 says, through His sacrificial death, Lord Jesus reconciled heaven to earth. Through His supreme sacrifice, He made peace between God and man. The cross of Jesus Christ was the bridge between heaven and earth. Now, Lord Jesus has completed the work and our job is to enforce what has been accomplished.
God is looking for people, both men and women, boys and girls, who will take up the mantle of prayer in order to bring healing, deliverance, and glory upon the earth to the multitudes.
In the society that Anna lived in, women were considered as second-class citizens. It was an extremely patriarchal society. Women were rarely recognized openly. Israel was going through its darkest times and between Malachi and the New Testament, they were "400 Silent Years" because it was a span where God seemed silent. He raised no new prophets; God revealed nothing new to the Jewish people. People were questioning where is God?
It was at such a time that God brought Anna on the scene. She was known as the prophetess. She provides a prophetic picture of standing in the gap that is helpful to the church in modern times.
Through her prophetic prayers and fastings, God brought His salvation, the Messiah in the flesh to Israel. Now hear me well! “Before the coming of the Lord, God will raise up many like Anna who will stand in the gap through intercession, and through their prayers, and fasting will proclaim the revelation of Lord Jesus Christ to a lost and dying generation.
Most people think that it is only through political power we can change the course of history. No, my friend, Anna did not have political influence but she had spiritual influence. Her prophetic prayers and fasting were instrumental in ushering the first coming of Christ. She literally carried the Saviour of the world in her arms. What a powerful anointing she carried!
In these last days, God is going to raise an army of men and women with the anointing of Anna who will cry out to Him with tears, prayers and fasting and suddenly every eye shall see His coming in the clouds. (Revelation 1:7) Would you like to be part of this end-time army?
Prayer Missiles:
In the name of Jesus, my expectation will not be cut off. I will experience the manifestation of what I am expecting from God.
Father, in the name of Jesus, use me for Your glory and make me part of the mighty end-time army of intercessors.
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