If there was a key to your peace and growth, this is that key. Notice the first thing I mentioned: “spiritual enemies.” The second thing I mentioned is that this is the key to your peace and your growth.
Let's turn our Bibles to 1 Kings 2:10-12.
10 So David rested with his fathers and was buried in the City of David. 11 The period that David reigned over Israel was forty years; seven years he reigned in Hebron, and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three years. 12 Then Solomon sat on the throne of his father David; and his kingdom was firmly established.
When Solomon sat on the throne of Israel after his father, David, he wasted no time in securing his kingdom. He understood one crucial principle: he had to deal with his enemies. His actions were not motivated by a desire for vengeance but to establish the peace and stability necessary for his kingdom.
There are four enemies he dealt with.
Adonijah was his stepbrother, who sought to usurp his throne and take over his kingdom. In dealing with Adonijah, Solomon addressed the spirit of rebellion and ambition that threatened to undermine his established authority. If you're a businessman, you must deal with any spirit of rebellion within your organisation, just as Solomon did (1 Kings 2:13-25).
Joab was a significant figure, the commander of the military during his father David’s reign. Joab had a history of killing without just cause, acting with impunity. Solomon dealt with him as well, recognising that Joab represented the spirit of violence and unrighteousness. Such a spirit had no place in the kingdom Solomon sought to establish (1 Kings 2:28-34).
The third enemy Solomon dealt with was Abiathar. Abiathar was a priest who had served during David's reign, but he had become lax in his duties. This speaks of the spirit of compromise. Compromise in our spiritual lives can be dangerous; it also represents unfaithfulness. Look at someone and say, “Spirit of compromise.” Solomon understood that for his kingdom to be strong, there could be no room for compromise (1 Kings 2:26-27).
Now, I know it sounds like a tongue-twister—Shimei—but let's not get caught up in that. Shimei represents the spirit of slander. When David was going through a tough time, Shimei cursed and slandered David without hesitation. David chose to remain silent, but Solomon knew that the spirit of slander could not be tolerated. He dealt with Shimei accordingly (1 Kings 2:36-46).
In summary, Solomon dealt with these four enemies, understanding that to establish peace and stability, he had to address rebellion, violence, compromise, and slander.
Dealing With Your Spiritual Enemies
Now, let's turn to 1 Kings 2:12, which is the last verse in the chapter.
“Then Solomon sat on the throne of his father David, and his kingdom was firmly established.”
Notice it says “his father’s throne.” A son starts where his father left off. A father may start from the ground, but a son begins on his father's shoulders. What you had to struggle with, your son will not have to suffer. Live with this mindset, my brother.
Solomon did not sit on just any throne; he sat on his father’s throne. And because of this, his kingdom was not just established, it was firmly established. The Holy Spirit spoke to me about this. There is a difference between being established and being firmly established.
Some people are established but not firmly established. And then, there are those who are not established at all, which is why their children must start from the ground up. But what can you do so that those who come after you will be firmly established?
Pastor, what can I do to be firmly established in my life, business, or ministry? How I pray that God will give you listening ears to understand this truth.
If you have the wisdom of God in you, then I decree and declare in Jesus' name: You have a few months before this year closes, and you will be established before this year ends. I want to hear your testimony on the 31st! Lift your hand and declare, “I shall be firmly established in the name of Jesus!”
Today, we are going to explore why Solomon’s kingdom and throne were firmly established. Write this down: The one key was that Solomon’s wisdom dealt with his enemies.
In the Old Testament, Solomon had to deal with physical enemies. Back then, the battles were all physical. But even in the Old Testament, there were spiritually-minded people like David. When David faced Goliath, he said, “You come to me with a sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty” (1 Samuel 17:45). Even in the Old Testament, where physical battles were prevalent, the name of the Lord was a powerful weapon. In the name of the Lord, even a stone was enough to bring down a giant.
However, the battle in the New Testament is not physical; it is spiritual. We wage war with spiritual weapons—the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, and the Word of God (Ephesians 6:12-17). In the Old Testament, Solomon dealt with his physical enemies. Today, we need to deal with our spiritual enemies.
There are enemies that threaten our peace, growth, and relationship with God. Many believers and Christians struggle to establish peace and spiritual growth because they have not actively dealt with the spiritual enemies in their lives.
I want to give you some homework. How many of you have done your MBA? You know how your professor would give you study material to read? Now, as your spiritual mentor, I’m giving you some study material too.
There was a man of God named A.A. Allen. How many of you have heard of him? This man was mightily used in the healing and miracle ministry. One day, he prayed, and 18 people in wheelchairs were healed—it’s documented on film. You can find this on YouTube; his videos are still available. Great men of God, both in India and other places, were inspired by him. I won’t name them, but many looked up to A.A. Allen. He was truly amazing.
Now, when A.A. Allen was a pastor, he asked the Lord a simple yet profound question. I’m quoting from his book The Price of God’s Miracle Working Power (Click the link to buy the book)
In his book, he writes about a pivotal moment in his ministry. He asked God, “What are the things, Lord, that stand between You and me, and the miracle-working power of God?” He asked this question while fasting and praying. In response, God showed him 13 specific things that were hindering him.
As A.A. Allen began dealing with these issues, something extraordinary happened. One day, as he stood before the crowd, the glory of God fell upon the place. The presence of God was so tangible that someone actually called the fire brigade, reporting that there was a fire in the tent where the meeting was held.
When the fire trucks arrived, the chief fireman, who was an unbeliever, asked, “Where is the fire?” He was told by the Christians, “Look, the fire is right there!” But there was no physical fire—what they saw was the fire of the Holy Spirit. This experience was so powerful that the fireman later became a Christian. This event is well-documented.
Church, when you deal with the spiritual enemies in your life, the river of God and the glory of God will begin to flow into every area of your life.
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