Whales communicate through an incredible array of vocalisations, such as clicks, whistles, and complex songs. These sounds aren't random; each one has a purpose—whether it’s navigating the vast ocean, locating prey, or connecting with other whales. For instance, humpback whales produce elaborate songs that play a role in mating rituals, while dolphins use sharp, high-frequency clicks for echolocation. The amazing part is that these vocalisations can travel over hundreds of miles through water, making it possible for whales to communicate even across great distances. To human ears, these sounds might just seem like haunting melodies or strange moans, but to another whale, they are rich conversations filled with meaning and intent.
Similarly, when the Lord Jesus was on earth, He spoke in the common language everyone could understand. Yet many still struggled to truly grasp His message. Why? Because He was speaking spiritual truths that could only be fully comprehended by those who were spiritually attuned. Just as whales understand each other's calls while humans cannot, only those aligned with the spiritual realm could understand Jesus. This emphasises the importance of tuning into the Spirit to fully hear and understand His words.
Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. (John 8:43 NKJV)
Lord Jesus said, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63 NKJV)
Jesus said, 'The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.' (John 6:63 NKJV). His words resonate in the spiritual realm, and without tuning into that realm, they will only sound like meaningless noise. Just like the whale's vocalisations, which carry profound meaning for those who understand, God's voice can only be comprehended by those spiritually prepared. Many remain lost, unable to decipher His message, simply because they haven't attuned their hearts and minds to His spiritual frequency.
9 I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet. (Revelation 1:9-10 NKJV)
Apostle John's ability to hear the voice of the Lord was directly tied to his spiritual state—he was 'in the Spirit' on the Lord’s Day. This principle still applies today: you cannot hear God clearly if you are not spiritually aligned. He may be speaking to you directly, but if you are not attuned to His Spirit, His words will be lost on you. John could not hear God’s voice until he entered the spiritual realm, and many believers today face the same challenge. Tuning into the Spirit is the only way to truly understand and embrace God's voice.
Imagine someone speaking to you in a strange, booming voice—like the sound of a trumpet. Without understanding the context or tuning into their realm, you would be left baffled. In the same way, God’s voice can seem distant or even overwhelming if we aren’t in the right spiritual state. It requires more than just hearing; it requires understanding, which only comes through spiritual alignment.
16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 NKJV)
Apostle Paul describes the rapture as a powerful moment when an archangel will sound a trumpet, and believers will be taken up to meet the Lord. This event will be global, but tragically, many will miss it simply because they are not spiritually prepared to hear the call. This emphasises why cultivating a sensitive spiritual ear is crucial. We must be ready to hear the Lord’s voice when the time comes. Developing spiritual sensitivity isn't just about avoiding missed opportunities—it’s about preparing ourselves to respond when He calls, ensuring that we are ready for His glorious return.
Many Christians feel frustrated and empty because they try to hear God with their natural senses rather than their spiritual ones. Despite God's constant communication, His words seem confusing and out of reach. Only by developing spiritual sensitivity—tuning into the divine frequency—can we truly understand His voice. Once we do, God’s messages become clear, guiding us to a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfilment.
John 4:24 tells us, 'God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.' To hear Him, we must also be in the Spirit. Throughout the Bible, God called people out of their routines and into solitude to communicate more clearly—whether it was Moses on Mount Sinai or Jesus in the wilderness. Stepping away from distractions is crucial for hearing His voice. In our busy lives, we must create intentional moments of stillness, stepping into a place of spiritual sensitivity. Only then can we truly connect with God and receive His direction.
Why did they have to go up the mountain before God spoke? God could speak anywhere, at any time—His presence is everywhere. But calling them to the mountain was about their mindset. It represented leaving behind the noise of everyday life and stepping into a space of deep focus and reverence. God is always ready to speak, but we must be ready to listen. It’s not about changing our physical location but about shifting our spiritual perspective—moving away from distractions and tuning into God’s divine frequency. The challenge isn’t with God—it’s with our willingness to connect deeply with Him.
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