Daily Manna
Your Deliverance Cannot Be Stopped Anymore
Thursday, 13th of July 2023
Categories :
Divine Assignment
One day Lord Jesus sent two of His disciples, saying, “Go into the village opposite you, where, as you enter, you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Loose it and bring it here. And if anyone asks you, ‘Why are you loosing it?’ thus you shall say to him, ‘Because the Lord has need of it.’ ” (Luke 19:29-31)
The first thing I want to bring out is that this is a classic example of a word of knowledge. Notice, Jesus gave clear cut instructions where to go, in what direction, what would be there, in what condition etc. All this Jesus said without actually going there in person or without having any prior knowledge. I am often amazed at the prophetic accuracy of our Lord.
The next thing I want you to see is that the colt was “tied”. We don’t know how long it was tied. The assignment of the disciples was to loose the colt, to deliver the colt. If there was any resistance in the deliverance process, they were to mention the purpose of the deliverance – because the Lord has need of it.
I clearly remember one day praying for a lady who needed deliverance from a demonic power. As I commanded the devil out in the name of Jesus, a voice spoke. It sounded like a man speaking and said, “She belongs to me. I will not leave her” At that moment, this scripture flashed across my mind. The disciples were to tell anyone who questioned the colt’s deliverance, “The Lord has need of it”. I spoke back, “The Lord has need of her, leave her” Immediately, the evil power left her, and she was free.
Like the colt, you too have a divine assignment over your life, and that is to serve the Lord. If you can get a hold of this truth deep in your spirit that you came on this earth with a divine assignment which no one can fulfil except you, then you will not only receive deliverance but also walk in your assignment.
Don’t look at your present circumstance or your present location. Just know that you have a divine assignment in your life. Things will start changing.
The Lord used this same donkey that had been delivered to enter Jerusalem. God will use you to announce His glory. (Luke 19:37-38)
Each prayer point must be prayed for at least 2 minutes and more.
Personal Spiritual Growth
The Lord has need of me. I have a divine assignment over my life. In the name of Jesus, I will fulfil God’s assignment over my life. I am God’s advertisement of glory.
Family Salvation
Father God, I ask that You move upon the hearts of all my family members to accept the Truth of Christ. “Give them a heart to know Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Saviour. Cause them to turn towards You with all their hearts.
Every burden shall be taken away from my shoulder, and every yoke from my neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. ( Isaiah 10:27)
Financial Breakthrough
I thank You, Father, for it is You who gives me the power to get wealth. Power to create wealth fall upon me now. In Jesus’ name. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
My inheritance shall be forever. I shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine, I and my family members shall be satisfied. (Psalm 37:18-19)
My God supplies all of my need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
KSM Church
Father, in the name of Jesus, prosper Pastor Michael, his family members, team members and every person connected to Karuna Sadan Ministry.
Father, Your Word says, You are the One that places rulers in their high positions of honour, and You are also the One that removes leaders from their elevated positions. Oh God, raise up the right leaders in every city and state of our nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Father, let Your Spirit move upon every city and state of India. In Jesus' name.
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