Daily Manna
Lead By Example
Thursday, 10th of August 2023
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And don’t be intimidated by those who are older than you; simply be the example they need to see by being faithful and true in all that you do. (1 Timothy 4:12 TPT)
Timothy was a young man, and because of this, many of the church elders may have taken him for granted and overlooked his leadership capabilities. They must have assumed that he lacked the necessary experience.
But regardless of Timothy’s age and experience, Apostle Paul reminded him that he could lead people well past his age by setting a good example daily. This would make his credibility soar.
As Christians, we are all called to be an example to others, whether we have been saved for one month or ten years. No matter what your personality type, we are all called to be examples of faith, hope, love and purity to those around us.
Having knowledge of the Bible is good, but better still, we must demonstrate our faith in Christ by the way we speak, act, love, believe and avoid things that don’t please God, especially in front of those outside the faith.
Many years ago, I heard a man of God say, “The people of the world may not read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but they sure will read the fifth gospel. This is because you are the fifth gospel.”
How true is this! To some, we may be the only real connection to Christ that they may see during their lifetime, and we must make sure that we represent Him well.
It would do us all good if we really heed the advice Apostle Paul gave in (1 Timothy 4:16 NLT).
Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.
Each prayer point must be prayed for at least 2 minutes and more.
Personal Spiritual Growth
Father, in the name of Jesus, help me grow in Your ways so that I may influence everyone that I may come in contact with and win them for You. Amen.
Family Salvation
My inheritance shall be forever. I shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine, I and my family members shall be satisfied spiritually and financially. (Psalm 37:18-19)
Financial Breakthrough
My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) I and my family members shall lack no good thing. In Jesus’ name.
KSM Church
Father, Your word says, You shall give your angels charge over us to keep us and guard us in our ways. In the name of Jesus, release Your Holy angels around Pastor Michael, his family, team members and every person connected to Karuna Sadan Ministries. Destroy every work of darkness against them.
Father, let Your peace and righteousness fill our nation. Let all the forces of darkness and destruction against our nation be destroyed. Let the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ spread in every city and state of India. In Jesus’ name.
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