Daily Manna
Sanctify Today Wonders Tomorrow
Tuesday, 5th of September 2023
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The children of Israel were on the verge of one of their most significant victories. It was at this moment that Joshua told the people of Israel. “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” (Joshua 3:5)
This was not a new principle for Joshua. He had seen this principle being implemented by Moses, the man of God who was his mentor.
Every time God was getting ready to do something big in the midst of His people, the Lord would tell them to sanctify themselves. In the following verses, the Lord wanted to appear in person to the children of Israel, and so he asked them to sanctify themselves.
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes. And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day, the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. (Exodus 19:10-11)
This tells us that if we are to have a fresh encounter with the Lord, we need to sanctify ourselves from everything that is unclean and ungodly.
Joshua, too, knew that if they had to see the wonders of God in their midst, they had to be spiritually ready to receive, to understand God working in their midst.
Parents, it is time to sanctify yourselves – God wants to visit your home and children. He is going to touch them. Your generations will be blessed.
Pastors and leaders, it is time to sanctify yourselves – the people under you are going to multiply like sheep. The people under you will be on fire for God.
Young people, it is time to sanctify yourselves. God will use you to touch a generation that is silently crying out to God on the inside. You will be like Joseph. Because of you, many will be saved from physical and eternal death.
Command the people to purify (sanctify) themselves in preparation for tomorrow (Joshua 7:13 NLT)
Yet, in another instance, God told the people, “Command the people to purify (sanctify) themselves.” This means that sanctification is not a mere suggestion or advice; it is a command from the Lord Himself.
The New Testament echoes the same truth.
For this is the will of God, your sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3)
Further on, scripture says, “purify (sanctify) themselves in preparation for tomorrow” [Joshua 7:13 NLT]
So then, sanctification is also a preparation for tomorrow.
I believe the Lord wants us to be spiritually prepared today for what is coming our way tomorrow. The battle belongs to the Lord, but we need to properly position ourselves for the victory that we have already been promised in Christ.
Each prayer point must be prayed for at least 3 minutes or more.
Personal Spiritual Growth
Father, empower me to consciously walk in purity from today onwards and be launched into an endless season of signs and wonders in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Family Salvation
Blessed Holy Spirit, show me specifically how to minister to each member of my family. Empower me, Lord. Reveal opportunities to share about You, at the right moment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Financial Breakthrough
Every seed that I have sown will be remembered by the LORD. Hence, every impossible situation in my life will be turned around by the LORD. In Jesus’ name.
KSM Church
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that thousands would tune into the KSM Live broadcasts every Tue, Thu & Sat. Turn them and their families towards You Lord. Let them experience your miracles. Cause them to testify so that Your name would be exalted and glorified.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that the hearts of the people in every city and state of India would turn towards You. They would repent of their sins and confess Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
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