If you have ever found yourself slipping into ungodly habits,you are not alone. Habits such as checking social media constantly or spending too much time on Facebook, Instagram etc.Some are addicted to games and spend hours aimlessly.Research shows that this kind of behaviour is affecting relationships and even health.
I do not know what your ungodly habit is, but all of us are tempted by satan to stray from God in the littlest of ways.But 1 Corinthians 10:13 says,“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability,but with the temptation,He will also provide the way of escape,that you may be able to endure it.”
We don’t have to let temptation overcome us;ungodly habits can be broken,and godly ones can be developed in their place.
Breaking a Habit
Breaking a habit is all about your mindset. You have to realize that there is a greater reward that comes from not doing what you are doing.You need to renew your mind through the word of God.
Romans12:2 says,“Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Also, you must realize that you can’t fight this temptation alone;you have to place your trust in God, and He will help you to overcome this ungodly habit and change for the better.This is where prayer comes in. Pray and ask the LORD for His grace to overcome.
Bad habits are always unhealthy and can even become dangerous.They can become devices that satan uses to pull you away from the ways of righteousness. And so it is your responsibility, as a follower of Christ,to break every sinful pattern as soon as it starts.
Lastly,if you don’t form new habits, you will fall back into your old ones,and all the progress you just made will be negated.It may be simple things such as reaching the office on time,getting up at a fixed time,a fixed time for prayer or going to bed on time.
“So He Himself often (made it a habit) withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” (Luke 5:16) Despite being surrounded by crowds,Jesus made it a habit to withdraw himself for prayer so that the power of God would continue to flow through Him.
Godly habits will change your life and impact the lives of those around you forever.
I do not know what your ungodly habit is, but all of us are tempted by satan to stray from God in the littlest of ways.But 1 Corinthians 10:13 says,“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability,but with the temptation,He will also provide the way of escape,that you may be able to endure it.”
We don’t have to let temptation overcome us;ungodly habits can be broken,and godly ones can be developed in their place.
Breaking a Habit
Breaking a habit is all about your mindset. You have to realize that there is a greater reward that comes from not doing what you are doing.You need to renew your mind through the word of God.
Romans12:2 says,“Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Also, you must realize that you can’t fight this temptation alone;you have to place your trust in God, and He will help you to overcome this ungodly habit and change for the better.This is where prayer comes in. Pray and ask the LORD for His grace to overcome.
Bad habits are always unhealthy and can even become dangerous.They can become devices that satan uses to pull you away from the ways of righteousness. And so it is your responsibility, as a follower of Christ,to break every sinful pattern as soon as it starts.
Lastly,if you don’t form new habits, you will fall back into your old ones,and all the progress you just made will be negated.It may be simple things such as reaching the office on time,getting up at a fixed time,a fixed time for prayer or going to bed on time.
“So He Himself often (made it a habit) withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” (Luke 5:16) Despite being surrounded by crowds,Jesus made it a habit to withdraw himself for prayer so that the power of God would continue to flow through Him.
Godly habits will change your life and impact the lives of those around you forever.
Confess your bad habits to the Lord
1. Father,in the name of Jesus and by the power of Your Holy Spirit,free me from the terrible grip that this bad habit has on my life!
2. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World.In the name of Jesus,I command every satanic influence over my life, loose your hold.
3. Father,in the name of Jesus, give me Your power and might to stay free from these ungodly habits.
4. Father, give me grace and power to form godly habits.In Jesus’name.Amen
1. Father,in the name of Jesus and by the power of Your Holy Spirit,free me from the terrible grip that this bad habit has on my life!
2. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World.In the name of Jesus,I command every satanic influence over my life, loose your hold.
3. Father,in the name of Jesus, give me Your power and might to stay free from these ungodly habits.
4. Father, give me grace and power to form godly habits.In Jesus’name.Amen
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