And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him—whom Sarah bore to him—Isaac. (Genesis 21:3)
LOL in social media terminology means laughing out loud. I am not really sure how many actually laugh when they use that expression. The first time laughter is referenced in the Bible is in Genesis 17.
Abraham, after he is promised by the Lord that he will have a son, finds humour in the fact that the Lord waited until he and his wife were quite old before making it possible for them to conceive! He laughs (Genesis 17:17), not because he doubts the eternal power of God (Romans 4:20 - 21), but out of sheer joy that he will be a father when he turns 100!
God, in response to his friend, Abraham's joy, decides to perform the rare act of naming the child himself! He declares the son's name will be Isaac, which in Hebrew means, "he laughs" or "laughter" (Genesis 17:19).
When God told Sarah that she would have a son in their old age, she laughed because she couldn't believe it. Now, the laugh of doubt had become the laugh of delight as God kept His promise to them.
And Sarah said, "God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me." (Genesis 21:6)
There are two types of people in our lives—one who will laugh at you and the other who will laugh with you. I believe the Lord is bringing you into a season where God will shock and surprise your mockers. The LORD will give you people who will rejoice with you.
Laughter is a powerful antidote to countering the negative effects of stress and anxiety. Research indicates that humour has many benefits for our health and well-being. Few things are able to immediately counter the negative impact that stress may have, like a good laugh. Humour helps to lighten our mood, make us feel better, and feel less stressed. God, in His wisdom, gave us laughter for a purpose.
There is also a spiritual component to laughter.
God will let you laugh again;
you'll raise the roof with shouts of joy,
With your enemies thoroughly discredited,
their house of cards collapsed." (Job 8:21 MSG)
I believe raising the roof means raising the limits that the world has placed on you, the people around have placed on you, probably the limits that you have set upon yourself. God will make you laugh again. Receive this word!
LOL in social media terminology means laughing out loud. I am not really sure how many actually laugh when they use that expression. The first time laughter is referenced in the Bible is in Genesis 17.
Abraham, after he is promised by the Lord that he will have a son, finds humour in the fact that the Lord waited until he and his wife were quite old before making it possible for them to conceive! He laughs (Genesis 17:17), not because he doubts the eternal power of God (Romans 4:20 - 21), but out of sheer joy that he will be a father when he turns 100!
God, in response to his friend, Abraham's joy, decides to perform the rare act of naming the child himself! He declares the son's name will be Isaac, which in Hebrew means, "he laughs" or "laughter" (Genesis 17:19).
When God told Sarah that she would have a son in their old age, she laughed because she couldn't believe it. Now, the laugh of doubt had become the laugh of delight as God kept His promise to them.
And Sarah said, "God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me." (Genesis 21:6)
There are two types of people in our lives—one who will laugh at you and the other who will laugh with you. I believe the Lord is bringing you into a season where God will shock and surprise your mockers. The LORD will give you people who will rejoice with you.
Laughter is a powerful antidote to countering the negative effects of stress and anxiety. Research indicates that humour has many benefits for our health and well-being. Few things are able to immediately counter the negative impact that stress may have, like a good laugh. Humour helps to lighten our mood, make us feel better, and feel less stressed. God, in His wisdom, gave us laughter for a purpose.
There is also a spiritual component to laughter.
God will let you laugh again;
you'll raise the roof with shouts of joy,
With your enemies thoroughly discredited,
their house of cards collapsed." (Job 8:21 MSG)
I believe raising the roof means raising the limits that the world has placed on you, the people around have placed on you, probably the limits that you have set upon yourself. God will make you laugh again. Receive this word!
Father, please fill my mouth and the mouths of my family members with laughter. In Jesus' name. Amen
Note: For a deeper understanding of this topic, please read Pastor Michael's Ebook: Have You Lost Your Laugh?
Note: For a deeper understanding of this topic, please read Pastor Michael's Ebook: Have You Lost Your Laugh?
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