One key and valid way to access the multifaceted nature of God is by the power of faith. Many Christians today have considered this key ineffective and unreliable because they have always applied it wrongly and without the right understanding. Faith is the only valid key given to us to access the throne of God, activate, and receive all we need. Without faith, we will continue to be bankrupt of God's blessings and approval. (Hebrews 11:6)
When a Christian doubts the power of faith, he becomes open to the harassment of the devil. As the devil continually harasses him, he will forget his inheritance in Christ. As believers, faith is our key to accessing all of God and His promises. But we must first understand how this works. Imagine travelling to a new country with the currency spent in your country; can you make any transaction? No! You will first need to convert the money to the currency to that of the new country. Faith is the currency of heaven. If you want to do spiritual transactions, you will have to operate by faith.
Just as you could get stranded in a strange country with no cash, if you lack faith, you will be stranded and confused. As children of God, we can have all we want (that's in conjunction with God's will.) by faith. As salvation was received through faith, so we receive all things. The power of faith did not expire at the point of your acceptance of Christ. Why then do you find it difficult to exercise this faith? The bible gives us a powerful key for living as believers in the following scripture. "The just shall live by faith." (Romans 1:17)
Do you seek healing? Are you hoping to get that job promotion? Do you want a transformation in your family? Are you concerned about a family member? The bible has a solution for your troubles, and the best part is that this solution works for all situations. It is faith! And it is best applied through prayer. "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." (Mark 11:24)
Prayer is the means through which the power of faith can be harnessed and expressed. "...for he that comes to God must believe..." We only come to God through prayer, which must be backed up by our faith to produce answers. Start today with the assurance that you can receive all things you ask in prayer and see things turn around for the best. Faith works!
When a Christian doubts the power of faith, he becomes open to the harassment of the devil. As the devil continually harasses him, he will forget his inheritance in Christ. As believers, faith is our key to accessing all of God and His promises. But we must first understand how this works. Imagine travelling to a new country with the currency spent in your country; can you make any transaction? No! You will first need to convert the money to the currency to that of the new country. Faith is the currency of heaven. If you want to do spiritual transactions, you will have to operate by faith.
Just as you could get stranded in a strange country with no cash, if you lack faith, you will be stranded and confused. As children of God, we can have all we want (that's in conjunction with God's will.) by faith. As salvation was received through faith, so we receive all things. The power of faith did not expire at the point of your acceptance of Christ. Why then do you find it difficult to exercise this faith? The bible gives us a powerful key for living as believers in the following scripture. "The just shall live by faith." (Romans 1:17)
Do you seek healing? Are you hoping to get that job promotion? Do you want a transformation in your family? Are you concerned about a family member? The bible has a solution for your troubles, and the best part is that this solution works for all situations. It is faith! And it is best applied through prayer. "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." (Mark 11:24)
Prayer is the means through which the power of faith can be harnessed and expressed. "...for he that comes to God must believe..." We only come to God through prayer, which must be backed up by our faith to produce answers. Start today with the assurance that you can receive all things you ask in prayer and see things turn around for the best. Faith works!
Father, I am grateful to You for the precious gift of faith. Teach me to always believe in Your promises and help me apply this faith to all areas of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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