Daily Manna
Discerning the Signs of the Times?
Monday, 19th of August 2024
Categories :
End time
He answered and said to them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. (Matthew 16:2-3)
In today's modern times, we have many powerful tools to help us predict the weather. We can predict what the weather is going to look like in a few weeks' time. Now there are times when those weather forecasts are not always accurate, but they do give us a clear indication of what we can expect the weather to look like, more or less.
During the time of Jesus, the people also had ways to predict the weather. By looking at the sky, they could foretell how the weather would behave. Even though they could not give detailed instructions about the weather, they could generalize what could happen on any given day. Red sky in the morning, foul weather. Red sky at night, good weather. These simple principles did not require sophisticated equipment.
Even though the leaders could predict the weather, they had no spiritual discernment. The Pharisees, the scribes and the Sadducees were supposed to be spiritual leaders in the nation. Sadly, they were blind leaders of the blind. They were so engrossed with earthly things that they overlooked their spiritual well-being.
Just like them, we, too, must be careful. Even though we have made great advancements in technology and other areas, they cannot help us gain spiritual direction for our lives. We must not rely on our intellect but rather lean on the word of God. Otherwise, we are bound to become hypocrites just like the leaders of old.
Without a doubt, we are living in the last days. All the signs are evident. Virus outbreaks, pestilences, earthquakes, tornadoes, wars, protests, and the love for each other growing cold are signs that emphatically tell us we are living in the last days.
When we anoint our eyes with the eye salve that Jesus provides, we will be able to see spiritual things that we did not see before.
"I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see." (Revelation 3:18)
This is the anointing that is required in the last days.
In today's modern times, we have many powerful tools to help us predict the weather. We can predict what the weather is going to look like in a few weeks' time. Now there are times when those weather forecasts are not always accurate, but they do give us a clear indication of what we can expect the weather to look like, more or less.
During the time of Jesus, the people also had ways to predict the weather. By looking at the sky, they could foretell how the weather would behave. Even though they could not give detailed instructions about the weather, they could generalize what could happen on any given day. Red sky in the morning, foul weather. Red sky at night, good weather. These simple principles did not require sophisticated equipment.
Even though the leaders could predict the weather, they had no spiritual discernment. The Pharisees, the scribes and the Sadducees were supposed to be spiritual leaders in the nation. Sadly, they were blind leaders of the blind. They were so engrossed with earthly things that they overlooked their spiritual well-being.
Just like them, we, too, must be careful. Even though we have made great advancements in technology and other areas, they cannot help us gain spiritual direction for our lives. We must not rely on our intellect but rather lean on the word of God. Otherwise, we are bound to become hypocrites just like the leaders of old.
Without a doubt, we are living in the last days. All the signs are evident. Virus outbreaks, pestilences, earthquakes, tornadoes, wars, protests, and the love for each other growing cold are signs that emphatically tell us we are living in the last days.
When we anoint our eyes with the eye salve that Jesus provides, we will be able to see spiritual things that we did not see before.
"I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see." (Revelation 3:18)
This is the anointing that is required in the last days.
Father, give me the grace to discern Your voice clearly from all other voices. In Jesus' name, Father, give me the grace to discern between Good and evil, between right and wrong. Give me the grace to discern the signs of the times. Amen
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