Daily Manna
7 Major Prophetic Signs of the End Times: #1
Sunday, 27th of October 2024
Categories :
End time
Prophetic Word
One day while Jesus was seated on the Mount of Olives, His disciples came to Him privately and asked Him about the signs of the end times. Lord Jesus then gave us seven significant prophetic signs that would accompany the period of the end times.
"At that time, deception will run rampant. So beware that you are not fooled! For many will appear on the scene claiming my authority or saying about themselves, 'I am God's Anointed,' and they will lead many astray. (Matthew 24:4-5)
The scripture clearly tells us that in the end times, many will be deceived. One of the ways a person is deceived is when they rush to hear what they want to hear instead of hearing what they need to hear. Over the years, I have found out that such people never bother to read or study the word of God for themselves. Also, they never really submit to any mentor. They do what they feel is right.
They solely depend on others to teach them the word of God. This will give rise to many deceivers who will twist the word of God for their profit. I have seen people carried away with ministers of the gospel flashing superior titles and leading flashy lifestyles instead of seeing the fruit displayed in their personal lives.
Jesus clearly warned, "Beware; you are not fooled". So then, it is foolish and dangerous for any person to think that they can't be led astray or deceived. satan was able to deceive Eve, who was God's perfect creation and lived in perfect surroundings. Therefore, we must be very careful in these end times.
On the practical side, ask these potent questions:
Is the person lifting up the name of Jesus or promoting himself?
Is the person preaching and teaching the word of God?
Lastly, is the person's personal life (not stage life) in line with the word of God?
"At that time, deception will run rampant. So beware that you are not fooled! For many will appear on the scene claiming my authority or saying about themselves, 'I am God's Anointed,' and they will lead many astray. (Matthew 24:4-5)
The scripture clearly tells us that in the end times, many will be deceived. One of the ways a person is deceived is when they rush to hear what they want to hear instead of hearing what they need to hear. Over the years, I have found out that such people never bother to read or study the word of God for themselves. Also, they never really submit to any mentor. They do what they feel is right.
They solely depend on others to teach them the word of God. This will give rise to many deceivers who will twist the word of God for their profit. I have seen people carried away with ministers of the gospel flashing superior titles and leading flashy lifestyles instead of seeing the fruit displayed in their personal lives.
Jesus clearly warned, "Beware; you are not fooled". So then, it is foolish and dangerous for any person to think that they can't be led astray or deceived. satan was able to deceive Eve, who was God's perfect creation and lived in perfect surroundings. Therefore, we must be very careful in these end times.
On the practical side, ask these potent questions:
Is the person lifting up the name of Jesus or promoting himself?
Is the person preaching and teaching the word of God?
Lastly, is the person's personal life (not stage life) in line with the word of God?
Father, give me the boldness I need to operate in the power of Your Spirit. Also, give me the grace to discern the enemy's lies and remember the truths in Your Word.
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