I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. (John 15:1 Amplified)
Three things here:
1.The Father is the ‘Vinedresser’. Another translation says ‘Gardener’
2.Jesus is the True Vine
3.We the Church are the branches
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away…. (John 15:2)
Like any CEO or head of an organization, God takes away every branch—or anything in our life—that stops us from being fruitful or productive. God is a God of fruitfulness and productivity.
This could be one of the reasons why people suffer apparent setbacks in certain relationships etc. But, please notice, I said, “could be one of the reasons” God is faithful and will take away things only to give us something much better.
If you are a businessman or a head of an organization, this is a principle you need to apply. Check your business, check your systems. Are there any processes that are not productive? Then do away with those things. The deadwood has to go.
The Bible says, Ananias and Sapphira fell down dead, and the young men came and carried them away. (Acts 5: 6, 10) God will not allow deadness to remain in the church. Notice, the early church did not build a monument around this event. They probably said, “This dead thing has to go”.
Lord Jesus said, “Anyone who separates from me is deadwood..” (John 15:6 Msg)
Deadwood has to be done away with; it has to go. This is how God functions. Often, we hang on to that toxic relationship knowing that it will not take us anywhere. God will then intervene and take away such kind. Don’t shed tears over this. Trust Him!
Rather than examining others, it’s time to examine ourselves to see whether we are really bearing fruit or not. (1 Corinthians 11:28) Also, if you have been attending church for years and just sitting on the pews, not doing anything, today, make a decision that you are going to allow yourself to be used by Him for His glory.
Bible Reading: Exodus 7-8
Father, in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that I am a tree planted, firmly rooted and established by the streams of water. I have my roots deep in fruitfulness, resourcefulness and plenty in Jesus’ name.
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