1. I come against every spirit of lust in the name of Jesus.
2. I break the curse of lust over my life right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Every spirit of pornography and masturbation, leave me now in Jesus’ name.
4. Every demon of guilt, shame, and condemnation go in Jesus' name.
5. Every demon of burning passion, every demon of adultery, fornication, and immorality, be broken in Jesus' name.
6. Every demon of homosexuality and same-sex attraction be uprooted in the name of Jesus.
7. All forms of sexual perversion, every demon of anal sex, every demon of incest, every demon of uncleanliness, and every demon of rape, loose your grip over my life in Jesus name.
8. You demon of filthy conversations and dreams, go in the mighty name of Jesus.
9. Every demon of pornography, cruelty, and every spirit spouse, loose your grip and go in Jesus mighty name.
10. Every demon of nudity and all spirits in the family of lust, in the name of Jesus, go. Come out in the name of Jesus Christ.
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