There is a choice we have to make everyday, embrace the Word or the culture around us.
— Pastor Michael Fernandes (@bro_mike_ferns) October 9, 2018
Only God can say, “I AM who I AM.” We must only say, “By the grace of God, I am what I am” (1 Corinthians 15:10).
— Pastor Michael Fernandes (@bro_mike_ferns) October 6, 2018
#Attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed…unless #God steps in.#Motivation #PastorMichaelFernandes
— Pastor Michael Fernandes (@bro_mike_ferns) September 26, 2018
It was not the storm that woke Him up, but the cry of His disciples. (Mark 4:35-39)#MondayMotivation
— Pastor Michael Fernandes (@bro_mike_ferns) July 30, 2018
#God provides food for every bird but not in its nest. Rise up to the #challenge.
— Pastor Michael Fernandes (@bro_mike_ferns) July 21, 2018
Your battle may be great but your solution is in God. (2 Chronicles 20:15)#MondayMotivation
— Pastor Michael Fernandes (@bro_mike_ferns) July 9, 2018
Intercessory #prayer can shape the way #history moves forward. This is the honor God has given us His Children. (Amos 7)
— Pastor Michael Fernandes (@bro_mike_ferns) June 29, 2018
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