a) 2023 is going to be a year of famine for the world. However, for the people of God, it will be a year of provision and plenty. During the famine, the Lord provided for Elijah from the king's table. The Lord will supernaturally provide for His people from His table.
b) 2023 is also the year of preparation. "Now it was so, by the twenty-third year of King Jehoash, that the priests had not repaired the damages of the temple" (2 Kings 12:6). You must not neglect your spiritual growth in the Lord any further. This is crucial preparation for the rapture. We do not know the exact timing, but I sense in my spirit, that it is closer than before. Be careful of satanic agents who mock the rapture.
c) In 2023, there will be a situation that will greatly affect the trade routes of the sea.
d) All flesh is grass, And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. (Isaiah 40:6) A well-known businessman famous throughout the whole world will pass away. It will be unexpected and come as a shock to many.
e) An airline with worldwide operations will fold up. Many attempts to revive it will fail.
There are also many other things which I will share as the Lord permits.