On the first day of our trip, our tour guide shared an interesting quote by St.Jerome who was a very influential church leader, teacher and Bible translator in the fourth century.
“There are five gospels that record the life of Christ. There are the four we have recorded in Scripture and the ‘fifth’ can only be experienced by traveling to the lands where Lord Jesus walked. It’s by experiencing this Fifth Gospel that you’ll be able to read the other four in their fulness.” St.Jerome.
By the end of our trip, this quote made a lot of sense to me and those who were with me.

Our 2017 KSM Israel Group
Here’s why I feel every Christian should visit Israel.
1. Your Bible will come Alive
Before going to Israel, I did read my Bible every day diligently. But the moment I landed in Israel and began to visit the different sites, I found that the Bible was not just a spiritual book but an extremely accurate book backed by archaeological finds. The bible literally came alive. Even today when I read the Bible (at home), it all comes alive like a movie in front of my eyes. Many have had this similar experience and I believe so will you.
Below Pic: Town of Capernaum, where Lord Jesus performed mighty miracles
The Church of Cana where Lord Jesus turned water into wine (John 2)
2. You can learn how to pray more effectively for the Nation of Israel
A part of the Wall of the Temple of Solomon
I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7)
These verses prophetically instruct us to be like watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem and to pray God's promises on behalf of the Jewish people, who in turn will bless the world.
After visiting Israel, I am able to intercede for peace in Israel and the Middle East with greater effectiveness - and so will you.
3. You will be fulfilling Prophecy
Do you know scripture prophetically tells us that many peoples from many nations would come to seek the Lord in Jerusalem. When you are visiting Israel and praying for the peace of Israel, you are actually fulfilling prophecy.

KSM Group waiting their turn to be Water Baptized in Jordan River
“Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Peoples shall yet come, Inhabitants of many cities; The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, “Let us continue to go and pray before the Lord, And seek the Lord of hosts.
I myself will go also.” Yes, many peoples and strong nations, Shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, And to pray before the Lord.’ Zechariah 8:20-22

Water Baptism in the Jordan River
I highly encourage you and your family to visit the land of Israel with us this year, November 5th-11th, 2018.
For more information please call Rhema 9821238906