Pastor Michael Fernandes recently conducted another Spirit filled outreach at Don Bosco Hall, Mangalore on 9th August 2018.
The service began with Sis.Vandana and team leading the praise and worship. The anointing swept every corner of the auditorium (2 Samuel 6:14)
People from Kerala, Karwar, Belgaum, Dharwad and many other places travelled to this outreach and were not disappointed as they were touched powerfully by the Spirit of God.
Pastor Michael preached a powerful message: Rebuild the Altar of God
It was translated from English to Kananda by Pastor Manoj Kumar
Some Notable testimonies even as Pastor ministered under a powerful anointing.
People healed instantly of Blurred Vision
Woman Supernaturally received House as a gift
Nerve condition healed instantly
Fungal skin allergy healed
Prophecy fulfilled about baby boy
Foot skin allergy healed
Pastor Michael also ministered under a strong Prophetic anointing
Life Details Revealed
Specific details located
God revealed accurately all their details
Operating in Word of Knowledge
At the end of the service, Pastor Michael then laid hands on each and everyone and prayed for them with great burden.
If you have a testimony to share, I will be so glad to hear from you. (Please use the comments section below)
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