NoahTube / Pastor Michael's Sermons
Taking New Territories | नये क्षेत्रों पर कब्ज़ा करना | Pastor Michael Fernandes
29th Jan 2025
The message emphasizes the divine command to take new territories through influence and personal transformation. The speaker explains that taking new territories requires becoming an agent of change by renewing one's mind through God's word. Breaking new frontiers is essential for taking new territories, whether through learning new skills, languages, or expanding business ventures. The message highlights that taking new territories involves influencing people through kingdom principles and maintaining Christian values in every environment. By being transformed and walking in faith, believers can take new territories and impact lives for God's glory.All these questions were answered just as Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, John Hagee, Jentezen Franklin, Benny Hinn, Chris Oyaklihome, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes and others.
01.) How do you take territories?
02.) Why do people get trampled by others?
03.) How can someone be transformed?
04.) What does it mean to break new frontiers?
05.) Why did Abraham have to wait for Isaac?
06.) How do you influence people?
07.) Why do some bosses hesitate to hire Christians?
08.) What is the significance of feet in taking territory?
09.) How does someone expand their territory?
10.) What role does pride play in limiting territory?
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