NoahTube / Pastor Michael's Sermons
Don’t Let Your Past Name Your Future - II | आपके अतीत को आपके भविष्य को नाम देने ना दे - II
6th Feb 2025
In this message Pastor Michael emphasizes that one's past should not define their future. Jabez prayed to God for 3 key things: 1) to be blessed, 2) for his territory/influence to be enlarged, and 3) for God's hand to be with him. Just as Jabez overcame his limiting past through prayer, the speaker encourages the audience to seek God's blessing, enlarged influence, and divine guidance, rather than allowing their past to determine their future. The central themes are breaking free from the past, seeking God's empowerment, and embracing a greater destiny. The key is not allowing your past to name your future.All these questions were answered just as Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, John Hagee, Jentezen Franklin, Benny Hinn, Chris Oyaklihome, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Joyce Meyer, Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel Patta, Ezekiah Francis, Johnson Varghese, Paul Thangiah, Mohan C Lazarus, TD Jakes and others.
1. How can we ensure our past does not define our future?
2. What were the 7 key elements in Jabez's prayer?
3. Why is it important to make God the source rather than just the channel?
4. How does calling on God in truth impact our prayers?
5. What is the difference between worldly blessings and God's blessing?
6. How can we receive the blessing of God on our lives?
7. What does it mean to "enlarge my territory" and why is it important?
8. How can we increase our influence and impact in the world?
9. What kind of responsibility comes with having greater influence?
10. How can we become the "light of the world" that Jesus spoke about?
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