NoahTube / Pastor Michael's Sermons
Keys to Protection & Favour | सुरक्षा और अनुग्रह की कुंजी
25th Mar 2025
The message reveals two essential keys to protection and favor: proper leadership and genuine relationships. Through the story of Laish in Judges 18, it demonstrates how lack of leadership and connections left people vulnerable to attack. True keys to protection and favor come through submitting to godly leadership, which provides direction and covering, while building authentic relationships ensures spiritual support and growth. The message emphasizes that receiving divine protection and favor requires maintaining these two elements, as leadership without relationships becomes dictatorship, while relationships without leadership lack guidance. All these questions were answered just as Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, John Hagee, Jentezen Franklin, Benny Hinn, Chris Oyaklihome, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Joyce Meyer, Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel Patta, Ezekiah Francis, Johnson Varghese, Paul Thangiah, Mohan C Lazarus, TD Jakes and others.
01.) Why did the people of Laish get attacked?
02.) What are the two primary things a leader provides?
03.) Is Jesus your leader?
04.) What happens when there's no leader in a place?
05.) What's the difference between leadership and dictatorship?
06.) How do social media connections differ from real relationships?
07.) What's the first thing the devil attacks?
08.) What price must be paid for relationships?
09.) Why do many Christians struggle today?
10.) What makes rules become either law or grace?
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