NoahTube / Pastor Michael's Sermons
Testimony as a Key to Restoration | गवाही पुनर्स्थापना की कुंजी के रूप में
27th Jan 2025
📖 The message highlights "Testimony as a Key to Restoration" through the story of 2 Kings 8, where a testimony about Elisha's works led to a woman's property being restored. 🏠✨🙌 It emphasizes that sharing testimonies opens doors for breakthrough and divine favor. Christians are encouraged to spread testimonies, not negative stories, to bring restoration. 🚪💫
📱 By using every available tool, like social media, believers can share God's works, becoming vessels for blessing. 🌟
⏰ The message also declares that those who faithfully share testimonies as a key to restoration will experience breakthroughs in their own lives within seven days. 🎉✨
All these questions were answered just as Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, John Hagee, Jentezen Franklin, Benny Hinn, Chris Oyaklihome, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Joyce Meyer, Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel Patta, Ezekiah Francis, Johnson Varghese, Paul Thangiah, Mohan C Lazarus, TD Jakes and others.
1.How can one host the anointing of God?
2.Why did the prophetic word come to this particular woman?
3.What happens when people dishonor or criticize spiritual leaders?
4.How should believers choose whom to honor?
5.Why is it important to maintain a healthy relationship with spiritual leaders?
6.What is the cost of following God's word?
7.How can one identify a genuine word from God?
8.Why do some people miss their breakthrough?
9.What role do women play in discerning genuine spiritual leadership?
10.Why aren't more people hearing about God's works today?
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