Daily Manna
21 Days Fast: Day #4
Wednesday, 15th of December 2021
Categories :
Fasting and Prayer
Benefits of the Blood of Jesus Christ- II
Someone said, “What you pay attention to grows.” So likewise, as we continue to look at the benefits of the Blood of Jesus, the presence of God will overshadow your life.
4. Abundance
When Israel left Egypt, the angel of death passed over all who applied the blood to their doorposts. Not only were they delivered from death and the bondage of Pharaoh, but they also left Egypt with goods and riches. Whatever you may be facing, claim the delivering power of His blood in your situation. You can also claim His abundance.
“The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and clothing. The Lord had made the Egyptians favourably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for, so they plundered the Egyptians.” (Exodus 12:35-36)
5. Life
The life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. (Leviticus 17:11)
Our life is in the Blood of Jesus. Stop allowing life to beat you down. Claim the life He purchased for us on Calvary.
6. Blood of Jesus Speaks Better Things
The Blood of Jesus speaks better things than that of Abel (Hebrews 12:24)
When Cain killed his own brother Abel, the blood of Abel cried out to God for revenge. In contrast, the Blood of Jesus speaks better things on behalf of us. The Blood of Jesus speaks favour, blessing, forgiveness, healing, deliverance, grace, redemption etc.
The blood of Abel spoke for one person – Cain. The Blood of Jesus speaks for all of us. (Revelation 7:9-10)
7. Access
We were separated from God because of sin. Access is the right of entry through the favour of another. Because of Jesus’ shed blood, the veil that kept man out of the presence of God was ripped in half, providing access to all.
Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.” (Hebrews 10:19-22)
[Please don't go ahead without engaging the following Prayer Missiles. Repeat every Prayer Missile till it comes from your heart. Only then move on to the next prayer missile.]
1. I rebuke and cast out all spirits of torment and fear because I have peace through the Blood of Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:20)
2. Every evil voice speaking against me, against my family, and the Karuna Sadan Ministry be silenced forever by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
3. Let the Blood of Jesus speak better things into my life and destiny now.
4. Let the Blood of Jesus speak victory and prosperity unto my life.
5. Every evil handwriting against my family members and me be erased by the Blood of Jesus.
6. I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus on all my finances, documents, properties and possessions.
7. I draw the Bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ around all my possessions and property in the name of Jesus.
8. Let every door that I have opened to the enemy be closed forever with the Blood of Jesus.
9. I take divine insurance by the Blood of Jesus against spiritual and physical accidents, disasters and tragedy.
10. Worship the LORD for some time. You could sing a worship song about the Blood of Jesus.
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