Daily Manna
21 Days Fast: Day #16
Monday, 27th of December 2021
Categories :
Fasting and Prayer
It is very important for any child of God to have knowledge of foundations. Without this knowledge, many battles will be lost and he or she will not live to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13)
Foundations are the core hiding places of our unseen enemies. Such spiritual realms are controlled by evil/wicked kings. Altars are activated from them and gates open at their prompting.
The enemy will always run to hide in the foundations if they have not been destroyed only to surface again. Prayer and fasting are highly recommended when destroying such.
But first, what are foundations?
Destroying foundations is like releasing a powerful bomb in the stronghold of the enemy.
The Bible talks extensively about foundations
Foundations are the beginning; the core.
(Please read the scriptures that are mentioned. This will give you revelation knowledge which will equip you in the spiritual battle. Today’s day is very important and you need to spend extra time praying)
God’s fire out of his anger can burn every foundation. (Deuteronomy 32:22, Lamentations 4:11)
Foundations that stand are strongly built. (Ezra 6:3)
Every foundation has a cornerstone. (Job 38:6)
Good foundations/ foundations for the righteous can be destroyed. (Psalm 11:3)
If it happens, what should the righteous do? (Nothing can exist without a foundation. When a good foundation has been destroyed, an evil or weak foundation is built).
The foundations of the earth have been laid by the Lord. (Isaiah 51:13,16)
We are called to raise up the foundations of many generations. We shall repair breaches and build old waste places. (Isaiah 58:12)
Foundations for the wicked can be fallen, walls thrown down by God’s vengeance (Jeremiah 50:15)
They can also be broken down (Ezra 3:10-11)
Foundations can hear. (Micah 6:2)
Mountains (representing anything exalting itself high or great hindrance) have a foundation. (Deuteronomy 32:22)
Earthquakes can destroy or shake foundations. (Acts 16:26)
When foundations are shaken, doors are opened and prisoners/captives are set free. (Acts 16:26)
The city of New Jerusalem will have twelve foundations (Revelation 21:14)
The church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, but Jesus is the chief cornerstone. (Ephesians 2:20)
How are the foundations of your life, family, job, home, church, etc.?
How do you wage war against an enemy?
In spiritual warfare, you ought to pursue your enemies, destroying them on the way, till they enter into the safety of their strongholds. Destroy the gates they thrive in. You need to use powerful weapons to destroy the gates. You should follow them and destroy them further.
Some may hide. Once inside, destroy their altars. Burn them up, uproot and overthrow their kingdom which is part of their wicked foundations. You should also destroy whatever holds them together as a people, the heart of their livelihood.
Another way can be using spiritual weapons to bomb the entire city/stronghold. This will silence your enemies.
Repeat every prayer missile till it comes from your heart. Only then move on to the next prayer missile. (Repeat it, personalize it, do this with each prayer point for a minimum of 1 minute)
You, O LORD have created foundations.
Arise, O my God in the name of Jesus and take control of my foundations.
I put on the full armor of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, shoes in readiness of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit in Jesus' name.
I release the fire of God against foundations that speak against my life in Jesus' name.
O LORD, rebuke foundations that stand against my life and lay them bare in Jesus' name.
I release a mighty earthquake upon every foundation that speaks against my family, my business, my finances, my health, in Jesus' name.
Arise O LORD, and expose foundations that oppose me in Jesus' name.
I silence every evil voice against my life coming from wicked foundations in Jesus' name.
I destroy every fastening of wicked foundations in my life with the fire of the living God.
I uproot every mountain that stands before me from its foundations in Jesus' name.
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