The Bible says that "many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?" (Proverbs 20:6).
I remember asking a senior lady why she loved her dog so much. She replied, "Dogs are more loyal than people in most cases." Her reply has always been imprinted on my mind.
Whether it's the office (workplace), church, business (corporate world), politics, or family, the one thing that is in massive short supply is loyalty. Loyalty is the rarest commodity in today's times. Many give verbal assent to it, but very few really have it in them.
What is loyalty?
Being loyal involves means being faithful and keeping promises. It also involves being dependable through all situations. Being loyal means, you will need to put aside selfish interests and value personal commitments.
As one goes through the book of Ruth, you find that the most critical thing about Ruth is the loyalty that she expressed towards God. "... Your people will be my people and your God my God" (Ruth 1:16). Here was a young woman for whom nothing was working. She had all her reasons to reject God and turn her back on God, and yet she says, "Your God will be my God."
When you read the rest of the story, you will see that God honoured her loyalty in a dramatic manner. She was restored, and not to mention; she was in the direct lineage of the Messiah – Lord Jesus Christ.
When Jesus sent his disciples out, He sent them two by two. (Mark 6:7) This team of two must-have surely developed deep loyalty, unity and friendship as they proclaimed the kingdom of God, healing the sick and casting out demons together.
Make it your daily prayer point, asking God to help you be loyal in your relationships with others. Most importantly, loyal to Him, with the right priorities.
I remember asking a senior lady why she loved her dog so much. She replied, "Dogs are more loyal than people in most cases." Her reply has always been imprinted on my mind.
Whether it's the office (workplace), church, business (corporate world), politics, or family, the one thing that is in massive short supply is loyalty. Loyalty is the rarest commodity in today's times. Many give verbal assent to it, but very few really have it in them.
What is loyalty?
Being loyal involves means being faithful and keeping promises. It also involves being dependable through all situations. Being loyal means, you will need to put aside selfish interests and value personal commitments.
As one goes through the book of Ruth, you find that the most critical thing about Ruth is the loyalty that she expressed towards God. "... Your people will be my people and your God my God" (Ruth 1:16). Here was a young woman for whom nothing was working. She had all her reasons to reject God and turn her back on God, and yet she says, "Your God will be my God."
When you read the rest of the story, you will see that God honoured her loyalty in a dramatic manner. She was restored, and not to mention; she was in the direct lineage of the Messiah – Lord Jesus Christ.
When Jesus sent his disciples out, He sent them two by two. (Mark 6:7) This team of two must-have surely developed deep loyalty, unity and friendship as they proclaimed the kingdom of God, healing the sick and casting out demons together.
Make it your daily prayer point, asking God to help you be loyal in your relationships with others. Most importantly, loyal to Him, with the right priorities.
Father, help me to take up the cross daily and follow You through Your Word. I also ask You for loyal and faithful people around me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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