Daily Manna
How To Know If A Dream Is From God
Friday, 2nd of September 2022
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Now the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place: Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. At Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, “Ask! What shall I give you?” (1 Kings 3:4-5)
One of the ways God speaks to us is through dreams. Solomon, one of the greatest Kings of Israel, had a significant dream through which God literally spoke to him. This dream significantly impacted his life and the kingdom of Israel.
Dreams are significant because spiritual transactions take place through dreams. Spiritual gifts can be given through dreams also. In this case, Solomon received the gift of wisdom and the gift of discernment in abundant measure.
One of the questions I am often asked is, “How can you tell when it’s God speaking to you? Sometimes it can be very obvious, and other times it might not be so.”
One of the ways to know if a dream is from God is you will remember the dream in detail even after you are awake. When God wants to speak to us in a dream, then obviously, we will remember it clearly. Many times, I remember little bits and pieces of a dream, but when I can clearly remember the whole dream in detail, I pay attention because God could be speaking to me.
At other times, you may receive the same dream again and again. When God is trying to get your attention, He sure knows how to get your attention.
In Genesis 41:1-15, “Pharaoh had a dream, and in the dream, he went back to sleep and had another dream. When the dream ended, Pharaoh woke up.” This is an example of repetitive dreams in the bible where God was trying to get the attention of the Pharaoh.
Pharaoh wasn’t a righteous man, and yet God communicated to him through a dream. He knew this was no ordinary dream and was in search of answers. He found a godly man, Joseph, to interpret only what God could do.
“They said, “We dreamed dreams, and there’s no one to interpret them.” Joseph said, “Don’t interpretations come from God?” Genesis 40:8
Sometimes dreams can be confusing. At such times, the best thing to do is simply ask God to show you what He is saying; if the dream is from Him, you will get a scripture or a song etc., confirming the dream.
For More Anointed Material on Dreams:
Understanding Your Dreams (Ebook on Noah App)
Dream Dictionary on Noah App
One of the ways God speaks to us is through dreams. Solomon, one of the greatest Kings of Israel, had a significant dream through which God literally spoke to him. This dream significantly impacted his life and the kingdom of Israel.
Dreams are significant because spiritual transactions take place through dreams. Spiritual gifts can be given through dreams also. In this case, Solomon received the gift of wisdom and the gift of discernment in abundant measure.
One of the questions I am often asked is, “How can you tell when it’s God speaking to you? Sometimes it can be very obvious, and other times it might not be so.”
One of the ways to know if a dream is from God is you will remember the dream in detail even after you are awake. When God wants to speak to us in a dream, then obviously, we will remember it clearly. Many times, I remember little bits and pieces of a dream, but when I can clearly remember the whole dream in detail, I pay attention because God could be speaking to me.
At other times, you may receive the same dream again and again. When God is trying to get your attention, He sure knows how to get your attention.
In Genesis 41:1-15, “Pharaoh had a dream, and in the dream, he went back to sleep and had another dream. When the dream ended, Pharaoh woke up.” This is an example of repetitive dreams in the bible where God was trying to get the attention of the Pharaoh.
Pharaoh wasn’t a righteous man, and yet God communicated to him through a dream. He knew this was no ordinary dream and was in search of answers. He found a godly man, Joseph, to interpret only what God could do.
“They said, “We dreamed dreams, and there’s no one to interpret them.” Joseph said, “Don’t interpretations come from God?” Genesis 40:8
Sometimes dreams can be confusing. At such times, the best thing to do is simply ask God to show you what He is saying; if the dream is from Him, you will get a scripture or a song etc., confirming the dream.
For More Anointed Material on Dreams:
Understanding Your Dreams (Ebook on Noah App)
Dream Dictionary on Noah App
Today, is Day 6 of the Daniel Fast
[If you have still not embarked on it or want further information on it, please refer Daily Manna of 26th & 27th August]
Scripture Readings
Deuteronomy 1:6-8
Joel 2:25-27
1 John 2:15
Isaiah 60:1-2
Father, in the name of Jesus, pour out Your Spirit upon me and cause me to see divine dreams. Give me understanding concerning the dreams that You show me. Amen
Prayer Missiles
1. Every satanic power causing me and my family members to remain on one level for many years, I command you be uprooted by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
2. Satanic cages holding back my destiny from breaking forth, I command you to open and release me now by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
3. The Hand that came upon Prophet Elijah and made him run ahead of the chariots of Ahab, come upon me now in Jesus’ name. I receive the anointing of speed to move beyond where I am right now, in Jesus’ name.
4. In the name of Jesus, I decree that everything I have lost due to demonic interference shall be restored speedily, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
5. In the name of Jesus, I receive advancement in all areas of my life and family.
6. In the name of Jesus, I command everything in creation to begin to work in favour of my advancement now.
7. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that everyone joining this Daniel fast would receive unusual breakthroughs and miracles. Let their testimonies turn many to the LORD.
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