"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1)
There are several ways that we recreate. Some go to the beach while we have modern recreational centres with different games that keep you busy all day. However, most parents now purchase some of these games for their children to engage them even at home. Sometimes, they allow them to play games so the children would not distract them from home chores or other engagements. But the disadvantage is that some games now have more negative effects than good.
Unfortunately, young children and youth (and now adults) usually dabble in occult games that are considered innocent forms of entertainment. This opens doors to depression and other forms of oppression and even possession. It's not uncommon for addicted players to stay at their computers for unhealthy chunks of time, even for days. An addict will sometimes forgo school, work, and social life to play games. Relationships get pushed to the side as the player spends more and more time in front of a computer.
What these innocent people do not know is that such games introduce the players to familiar spirits, a very seductive type of demonic entity. A familiar spirit is a demonic spirit familiar with people, places, and circumstances. It can also attach itself to a family and remain for many generations.
Some of these young ones get so addicted to the games that they start getting angry if they aren't allowed to play them for a day. When they wake up, they are looking out to play games, and nothing else matters to them. The other side is that the unholy spirits transmitted into them through their constant interactions with these games eventually take over their actions. They tend to start talking or behaving like the objects in the game. Some young ones may even try to jump and play like the characters in the game. In other words, the spirit takes over their spirit gradually without knowing.
This ought not to be. We need to watch our homes and shut down any form of addiction that wants to steal our children from God. The Bible says in Luke 4:8, "And Jesus answered and said to him, "Get behind Me, satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.'" Jesus is telling us that God alone should remain our affection. It's time to rescue our little ones from the addiction and affinity of these games. It's time to shut down the addiction and engage them with godly movies that benefit their soul.
We shouldn't watch the devil steal their soul from the Lord unto himself. Since he knows he may not be able to initiate them into a physical cult, he comes up with a strategy which is games. He knows they love entertainment, and their parents also love to see them happy. So, he comes into our home under the disguise of games. He comes subtly like he did in the garden of Eden, unannounced until he destroyed the first couple's relationship with God.
satan wants to check God out of your home. You see those children sleeping off when it's time to pray or murmuring when you call them to study the Bible. While on the other hand, you could feel the excitement beaming in them when it's time to play games. God is saying to you today, as parents, shut it down. He is saying to you, as adults, shut it down. God alone should be our source of joy and not games.
Nothing should take God's place in our hearts.
We are to worship Him alone and not share our hearts with anyone. So, shut it down. "But my children will cry." They won't cry forever, but you will have snatched them from the forces of darkness.
Father, I thank you for exposing the schemes of the devil to me. I pray that you help me be sensitive as a parent to the devil's scheme in my home. I pray for wisdom to cast out all the evil forces stealing my children's souls. From now, they shall worship you alone. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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