"For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him." (Genesis 18:19)
The home is the bedrock of society. Any vibrant society must have a larger collection of vibrant families. We need to understand that the family is important for the move of God in any church or community. This is true because anyone God would use must come from a home. Even Jesus, who came to save humanity, didn't just land on the earth and roam about like an orphan; He came from a family.
The Bible says that the people marvelled at Jesus and said in Matthew 13:55-56, "Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?" They traced Jesus to a home.
In the same way, any person that would matter in their generation would come from a home. This puts a weight of responsibility on the leaders of every home to be conscious of this truth. Most children who later become a threat to society come from dysfunctional homes. Many do not know what it means to live in peace, so how can they allow peace in the community? They do not know what it means to live in joy, so how can they make society joyful?
In the next few devotionals, I will be sharing with you four methods that can help you make your home a dwelling place of peace and joy. Remember that when there is peace in your home, then it's a sign that God dwells in your home.
Setting Boundaries in Your Home
Children always like to do as they please. Everyone loves to do as they please. No one likes to be told what to do or how to do things. But boundaries are vital to the peace and progress of any home and society. Imagine there are no traffic rules on our highway; definitely, the rate of accidents will increase exponentially. Likewise, there will always be chaos in any home where there aren't boundaries.
Boundaries are a set of limits that indicate what is permitted and what is not permitted. Some are set from a practical perspective and others for health reasons. Sometimes, tough love is necessary to hold your line and not compromise, especially when there are teenagers in your family.
For example, we must not allow smoking in our homes. We do not allow any alcohol in our home at any of our functions like birthdays etc. These are boundaries we have set, and if they are broken, they are broken against our will and without our knowledge. Therefore, you must agree upon and set the boundaries to prevent the entrance of unwanted junk into your dwelling place.
If you read today's text closely, this was God's testimony about Abraham; God said, He was confident that Abraham would set boundaries in his home. He was sure that no one would dare do as they pleased but as expected. No wonder the Bible never recorded any rancour or unrest in his home. He had about three hundred trained soldiers in his household, yet, everyone did what was right. This is the foundation for peace and joy.
As parents, don't be lost regarding the happenings in your home. Don't leave it to default. Let God's word rule the affairs of your home. Eli, the priest, didn't set boundaries in His home, and he eventually lost his children and his assignment. So, spell out scriptural boundaries in your home, and the peace of God shall reign.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for giving us a home. I pray for wisdom to know what boundaries to set that will sustain your peace in our home. I pray that your peace shall remain in our home and you shall dwell with us always. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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