"O Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
Mental pictures are one of the most limiting forces hindering most believers from advancing in life. While many mental pictures may be accurate, some are based on wrong information. These wrong imaginations then instil fear in us. Many wonder, "will we get out of this sickness?". The wrong information we have allowed into our minds builds a castle of fear in us, and we start thinking worse of ourselves and our situations.
Even when someone tells us Jesus can heal, the wrong information we have allowed into our minds rejects such good news regarding our health. Or perhaps we have searched for a job intensely, and we suddenly stumble upon people with similar qualifications who got low-paying jobs. This information makes us lose hope in God, who is able to do beyond our qualifications. We no longer imagine ourselves occupying an executive position in a multinational company. Instead, we see ourselves working from hand to mouth.
We forget that the Bible says promotion and lifting come from the Lord. He can bring down someone for your sake and place you there instead. (Psalm 75:6-7) The devil blinds us from seeing how God took Joseph from the prison straight to the palace, a man with zero qualifications for the job. Even if Joseph had qualifications, remember he left his father's house without taking any of his credentials along. So, what would he tender as evidence for this new role? But that didn't matter because the hand of God was upon him and with him. Hence, the door of the palace was opened, and he walked straight in.
What about David, who was least qualified to be anointed as king? He also had zero experience in that field compared to his brothers, who were already enlisted in the Israeli army. They knew the drill and protocols of the palace compared to a bushman who spends most of his time with the sheep. But God stepped in and anointed him to lead his people.
Usually, fear is often based on assumptions and possibilities and not on what will actually occur. Your images are often based upon correct or incorrect information sent to the mainframe of your mind. Knowledge and understanding can prevent wild imaginations from taking control of your mind and creating mental giants in your life. Hence, you only see how insurmountable the mountains are instead of seeing how great your God is. You start to imagine and rehearse defeat instead of practising your victory dance.
God is saying to you, fear not. In other words, delete the wrong information and fill your mind with the possibilities in the scriptures. Jesus said in Mark 13:37, "And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" In other words, don't let the devil downplay the acts of God that are recorded in the scriptures before your eyes. What Jesus did in the lives of people is recorded in the Bible, He is willing and able to do in your life also. He is not more powerful yesterday than today. The Bible says He remains the same yesterday, today and even tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8)
So, fear not! God is with you like a wall. He is with you to lift up every gate that may stand on your path. He is with you to level every barrier. Simply fill your heart with the true information from the scriptures, and when faith is built in you, your life begins to reflect the reality of the scriptures.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the injection of faith through your word. I pray that you help me to have a renewed mind. Help me to follow your ways, and I cast out every stronghold of fear in my heart. From now, I see only possibilities. I remain conscious of you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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