No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. (2 Timothy 2:4)
What is the meaning of entangled?
To be entangled means to be intricately woven, wrapped, or twisted together in a way that makes it difficult to untangle or extract.
There is a dangerous plant in the Brazilian forest called the matador or "murderer". It starts as a thin stem on the ground, and when it finds a healthy tree, it sends out a tentacle that wraps around the trunk. As the plant grows, it sends out arm-like things that wrap around the tree even tighter. The plant keeps climbing until it reaches the top of the tree, and then it blooms with flowers. This can make it hard for the tree to survive, and the plant can spread to other trees.
Just like the matador, the everyday affairs of life can subtly entangle us, neutralising our effectiveness as soldiers of Christ in the ongoing spiritual war against the world, the flesh, and the devil. It's crucial that we stay vigilant, keeping our eyes fixed on Christ and resisting the allure of the world's entanglements. Only then can we continue our ascent towards the ultimate victory in Christ.
The term "entangle" was also used to describe sheep whose wool became caught in thorns. The main difference lies between becoming involved and becoming entangled.
When the ordinary affairs of this life constrain us so tightly that we are unable to liberate ourselves and fulfil the calling of Christ our Commander, then we have become entangled in the "thorns" of non-eternal pursuits! Our main goal is to please our Commander.
One night during a military campaign, the legendary Alexander the Great found himself unable to sleep. As he strolled through the campgrounds, he stumbled upon a soldier who was sound asleep on duty, which was considered a grave offence. In some cases, the penalty for dozing off during guard duty was instant death. The commanding officer would sometimes pour kerosene on the sleeping soldier and light it, making it a terrible fate to behold.
As the young soldier began to wake up, he was filled with dread upon realising who had caught him slumbering. “Do you know what the penalty is for falling asleep on guard duty?” asked Alexander the Great in a stern voice. “Yes, sir,” the soldier answered, his voice trembling with fear.
The general then demanded to know the soldier’s name, to which he replied, “Alexander, sir.” Perplexed, Alexander the Great asked again, “What is your name?” “My name is Alexander, sir,” the soldier replied for the second time.
Determined to make a point, Alexander the Great raised his voice and asked for the soldier's name once more. “My name is Alexander, sir,” the soldier said quietly.
Looking him straight in the eye, Alexander the Great said with unwavering intensity, “Soldier, either change your name or change your conduct.”
This encounter left a deep impression on the young soldier, who was never caught sleeping on duty again. It's a powerful reminder that our name (Christian) represents who we are and what we stand for and that our conduct should always reflect that.
Also, in Matthew 6:24, Jesus warns us saying, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." We must choose to focus on serving God and not allow ourselves to be entangled in the pursuit of worldly things.
Father, help me not to become entangled in the affairs of this life but rather to keep my focus on pleasing You as my Commander. Give me strength and wisdom to avoid the distractions that can hinder my spiritual growth and effectiveness in the kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
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