Distraction is one of the most successful tools that the enemy (the devil) deploys against God’s people to hinder them from fulfilling their divine assignment.
Jesus made it plain to Martha saying, “But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part” (Luke 10:42)
All that the enemy needs to do is to shift our vision from that One primary assignment to which we are called. The enemy then has successfully shifted our attention to too many things. This is when most start walking in all directions and probably end up walking in circles, frustrated and dejected.
Over the years, I have seen how the enemy distracts people from their God-given assignment. To some, he offers alcohol; to some, he offers drugs and other substances. To some, he offers harmless-seeming internet games that keep people bound for hours per day. Fruitless days and weeks pass by.
A pastor once shared with me about a true incident in their church. Some years back, there was this young girl who attended their services regularly. She was very prayerful and so filled with the Holy Spirit. She would lead the choir team, read out scriptures, pray for people etc.
One fine day, a boy started attending their services. He was not even grounded properly in church. Soon this girl got talking to him and would skip services, giving some excuse. It was not even three months, and the pastor got the news that the girl was married. Let alone the church, she was not even seen in Christian gatherings across the city after that. Sad but true!
This is how the devil uses inappropriate relationships to lure people away from their assignments. Now I am not saying all relationships are wrong. However, even the right relationship at the wrong time can be a disaster.
We need discernment and the right counsel to avoid falling into the traps of the enemy. “But in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14)
The Bible warns us to “Be alert and of sober mind. For the enemy, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
Each prayer point must be prayed at least for 2 minutes and more
Personal Spiritual Growth
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You for discernment. Surround me with the right people who will help me grow in Your ways. Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind every spirit of distraction that would hinder me from my divine assignment. Amen.
Family Salvation
Fire of the Holy Spirit fall afresh upon me and my family members in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let your fire burn all that is not holy in my life, in my family in the name of Jesus.
Financial Breakthrough
Whosoever looks to me for help will not be disappointed. I shall have more than enough to satisfy my needs and plenty to give to others in need. I am a lender and never a borrower. In Jesus' name.
KSM Church
Father, I pray for Pastor Michael, his family members, staff and team members to walk in supernatural wisdom, understanding, counsel might, knowledge, and fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2-3)
Father, let Your righteousness fill our nation. Let all the forces of darkness and destruction against our nation be destroyed. Let there be peace and prosperity in every city and state of our nation. In Jesus' name.
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