Daily Manna
Day 32: 40 Days Fasting & Prayer
Thursday, 11th of January 2024
Categories :
Fasting and Prayer
Prayer For the Nation, Leaders, and the Church
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." (1 Timothy 2:1-3 NIV)
Prayer is one of the potent forces in the hands of a Christian. Through it, the will of God can be executed in the earthly realm. God wants us to pray fervently, and He also wants us to pray without ceasing. Without our prayers, many things that God wants to do will be hindered in the earthly realm because prayer is the avenue that gives God legal access to work in the affairs of men. God is sovereign and can walk at any time and all times, but He has committed Himself to prayer. If we pray, He will hear, answer, and fulfil all that we desire.
Why do we need to pray for our leaders?
1. Our prayers will help our leaders to do the things that are in the heart of God.
Prayer touches the hearts of our leaders so that they will obey God's will and be God-fearing. When prayer is not offered for our leaders, the nation, and the church, many things will go contrary to the will of God. For us to have God-fearing leaders leading the people according to the will of God, we must offer prayers unto God to touch their hearts regularly.
2. We must pray for our leaders so that they will lead with wisdom.
Wisdom is the principal thing, and every leader needs wisdom to lead successfully.
When Solomon took up the mantle of leadership, he immediately recognised his need for wisdom. He knew that his major need was wisdom.
When God gave him an open check to ask for anything, he said:
"7O Lord God, you have let me succeed my father as king, even though I am very young and don't know how to rule. 8Here I am among the people you have chosen to be your own, a people who are so many that they cannot be counted. 9So give me the wisdom I need to rule your people with justice and to know the difference between good and evil. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of yours?" (1 Kings 3:7-9 GNT)
God was pleased with his request because he did not ask for a long life or riches. God gave him wisdom, riches, and everything he did not ask for. Our leaders need wisdom as they deal with multiple people and problems in society. Without wisdom, they can make rash and ungodly decisions that can affect the future of many generations.
Why do we need to pray for the church?
- The church is God's representative on earth, and prayer must also be offered to God for the church.
- The church needs prayer so that it can advance in the cause of God on earth.
- The church needs prayer so that the strongholds of the enemy can be broken down in communities, in the lives of people, and in nations.
- The church needs our prayers so that it can spread the good news.
- The church needs our prayers so that it can stay on course without being distracted and attracted to worldly things.
Brethren, I want us to pray for the church from our hearts because praying for the church is also praying for ourselves. I also want us to pray for our leaders and our nation. The Scripture says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," because when you pray for the peace of your country, you will also have peace (Psalm 122:6-8).
For instance, in Ukraine, where there is war with Russia, things are not going the normal way. Businesses and many other things have been affected. So, if you are not praying for your nation's peace, if you are not praying for your leaders, if you are not praying for the church, whatever happens against the church, the nation, or the leaders will affect you. It will affect your family and business in the long run. Therefore, we need to be passionate about this prayer today and give it all that we have so that God can step in over our nation and empower the church with fire and grace to do all that God has commissioned it to do in our nation.
Repeat every prayer missile till it comes from your heart. Only then move on to the next prayer missile. (Repeat it, personalise it, do this with each prayer point for a minimum 1 minute)
1. In the name of Jesus Christ, Father, let your will be done over our nation in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 6:10)
2. Any satanic agenda over our nation be cut off in the name of Jesus. We decree and declare that it shall not manifest in Jesus’ name. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
3. Oh Lord, empower your church so that it will advance with power and grace in the name of Jesus. (Acts 1:8)
4. Father, send labourers to the harvest, to the work that you have committed to our hands as a church in Jesus' name. (Matthew 9:38)
5. Father, we pray for our leaders that you will give them the wisdom to navigate and solve national crisis and problems in the name of Jesus Christ. (James 1:5)
6. Father, we pray for our leaders that they will do Your bidding and that Your fear will be in their hearts in Jesus' name. (Proverbs 9:10)
7. Father, we pray that you will keep and preserve our leaders so that the ones upholding righteousness over this nation will live long in Jesus' name. (Proverbs 3:1-2)
8. Father, raise righteous leaders like Daniel, godly leaders like Nehemiah, powerful leaders that will do Your will like Moses and Joshua. Raise them in our generation in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Daniel 1:17, Nehemiah 1:4, Hebrews 11:23-29)
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