Many Christians and preachers alike often avoid talking about hell. I agree that we should stay away from the “turn or burn” approach, but let’s not go to extremes and fall into the ditch on the other side.
Today, it’s said no matter what you do and what you believe, you will still make it to Heaven - that’s a lie and leading people astray.
Heaven and hell are real. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people (John 14:1-6), and the preparation needed to get there is to confess with your mouth that you want Jesus to be your Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. Then you are saved from the penalty of sin, given right standing with God, and you receive His salvation for your whole spirit, soul and body (Romans 10:9-10).
Secondly, this decision places you into the family of God (John 1:12). God declares you are now in right standing with Him. This is what gives us confidence that when we die, we will go to Heaven. You can’t “earn” Heaven! Heaven is home for God’s family, where we go to be with our Father in His house (2 Corinthians 5:8, Psalm 16:11).
God’s desire is for every person to spend eternity with Him. Hell was not prepared for man, but for the devil and the fallen angels (Matthew 25:41). God is love, and He doesn’t want anyone to miss Heaven (2 Peter 3:9), but He will never force us to accept Him.
The Father loves us all so much, but each person must make their own choice, and we have to be reaching out to those around us with His love so we can introduce as many people as we can to their loving Father.
Today, it’s said no matter what you do and what you believe, you will still make it to Heaven - that’s a lie and leading people astray.
Heaven and hell are real. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people (John 14:1-6), and the preparation needed to get there is to confess with your mouth that you want Jesus to be your Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. Then you are saved from the penalty of sin, given right standing with God, and you receive His salvation for your whole spirit, soul and body (Romans 10:9-10).
Secondly, this decision places you into the family of God (John 1:12). God declares you are now in right standing with Him. This is what gives us confidence that when we die, we will go to Heaven. You can’t “earn” Heaven! Heaven is home for God’s family, where we go to be with our Father in His house (2 Corinthians 5:8, Psalm 16:11).
God’s desire is for every person to spend eternity with Him. Hell was not prepared for man, but for the devil and the fallen angels (Matthew 25:41). God is love, and He doesn’t want anyone to miss Heaven (2 Peter 3:9), but He will never force us to accept Him.
The Father loves us all so much, but each person must make their own choice, and we have to be reaching out to those around us with His love so we can introduce as many people as we can to their loving Father.
Father, I have put my trust in Your Son Jesus, who paid the price for my punishment. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour. Heaven is my eternal home. Amen.
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