Lord Jesus shared a parable about a man who once hosted a magnificent feast, a massive banquet, inviting many people to join. Normally, this was precisely the type of occasion that people would be excited to attend and be quite happy to be invited. (Luke 14:16-17)
When the time came, all of them began to make excuses. “I have bought a piece of ground… I have bought five yoke of oxen.” (Luke 14:18-19). The first two excuses had to do with material things.
I personally think that the excuses were silly because no one buys a piece of land and then goes to check it. Also, no one buys ten oxen and tests them after the purchase. The truth is that they were preoccupied with their possessions.
“I have married a wife.” (Luke 14:20). The third excuse had to do with a man who put his family before everything. The best thing we can show our family is that they are not first in our lives but that Lord Jesus Christ is.
Then the master of the house said to His servants, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” (Luke 14:23)
The master desires that His house be filled with guests so that they can receive what He has prepared for them. How do we go about fulfilling our master’s desire to see a full house?
Pray for People
Before you extend invitations, the Holy Spirit must move upon the hearts of the people. Pray that the LORD would stir their hearts to accept your invitation, pray that they would receive Jesus as their LORD and saviour. You will be shocked at the results if you sincerely prayed.
Extend Personal Invitations
How many contacts do you have on your phone? Some of them could be very near and dear to you. Why not personally invite them for the Sunday service with you. Invite your family, relatives, friend, colleagues etc.
Teach Them to Do the Same
Teach your friends who attended a service with you how to evangelize too, and do it together! Apostle Paul writes, “What you have heard from me…entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well”(2 Timothy 2:2). Jesus sent His apostles into the world by reaching out to individuals who would be able to teach others.
If you do this, the master’s desire will be fulfilled – His house will never be empty.
Father, Your Word says, “He who wins souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:30) Therefore, give me the grace and power to win souls into Your Kingdom. Bring my family members, relatives, friends and all those connected with me into Your Kingdom even as I extend an invitation to them. Your House will indeed be filled. In Jesus’ name.
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