And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, giving glory to God. (Romans 4:19-20)
The essence of every test of faith is to increase faith. God tests men so He can make them stronger in faith, leave them standing firm and not easily wavered by circumstances. Do you often find yourself shaken by the challenges and storms of life? God expects that as you pass through tribulations and challenges, your faith in Him gets strengthened.
Our key text speaks of Abraham not staggering at the promise of God over his life despite the challenges he faced and the discouragement the world threw at him. He remained strong in his faith towards God, giving glory and praise. Job was no different also. After losing all his children, properties, and wealth, he still worshipped God, standing firm in faith till the end of his tribulation. (Job 1:20-22)
The promises of God are sure and cannot fall to the ground, but they can go unfulfilled in our lives if we lose our faith or get discouraged. Refuse to get discouraged today. You’re not going to end up the way the Devil says you will. Refuse to believe his lies and focus on the word. Resist him and his antics. Leave no room for doubt. (James 4:7)
Lord Jesus always gently rebuked His disciples for their unbelief. Nothing provokes God to anger like the sin of unbelief. God hates to be doubted. He desires that all men trust in Him for their daily living and supply.
To stand firm in the faith, you are to constantly remind yourself of the promises of God in His word. Build your faith through the word and see things take a new turn. Your faith becomes strengthened by the word of God when it is received with gladness in your heart. Create an appetite for the things of God and His word. Discover what has been said about you, your family, your health, your finances, your children, your business, and your situation in the word, and believe it. There’s no safety switch or life jacket that gives more assurances than God’s word. His word is yea and Amen. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Child of God, choose to wait on God’s promises by praising Him for what He has done. Make sure your worship is unaffected by your circumstances and see God at work in your life. I see you standing firm in faith and becoming a giant.
The essence of every test of faith is to increase faith. God tests men so He can make them stronger in faith, leave them standing firm and not easily wavered by circumstances. Do you often find yourself shaken by the challenges and storms of life? God expects that as you pass through tribulations and challenges, your faith in Him gets strengthened.
Our key text speaks of Abraham not staggering at the promise of God over his life despite the challenges he faced and the discouragement the world threw at him. He remained strong in his faith towards God, giving glory and praise. Job was no different also. After losing all his children, properties, and wealth, he still worshipped God, standing firm in faith till the end of his tribulation. (Job 1:20-22)
The promises of God are sure and cannot fall to the ground, but they can go unfulfilled in our lives if we lose our faith or get discouraged. Refuse to get discouraged today. You’re not going to end up the way the Devil says you will. Refuse to believe his lies and focus on the word. Resist him and his antics. Leave no room for doubt. (James 4:7)
Lord Jesus always gently rebuked His disciples for their unbelief. Nothing provokes God to anger like the sin of unbelief. God hates to be doubted. He desires that all men trust in Him for their daily living and supply.
To stand firm in the faith, you are to constantly remind yourself of the promises of God in His word. Build your faith through the word and see things take a new turn. Your faith becomes strengthened by the word of God when it is received with gladness in your heart. Create an appetite for the things of God and His word. Discover what has been said about you, your family, your health, your finances, your children, your business, and your situation in the word, and believe it. There’s no safety switch or life jacket that gives more assurances than God’s word. His word is yea and Amen. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Child of God, choose to wait on God’s promises by praising Him for what He has done. Make sure your worship is unaffected by your circumstances and see God at work in your life. I see you standing firm in faith and becoming a giant.
Father, I thank You for Your word, which builds my faith always. I ask for the grace to wait on all Your promises and not compromise. Help me to stand firm, oh Lord. In Jesus’ name.
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