For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8)
Whenever I sing the popular hymn: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me?” It reminds me of the role grace played in my salvation story. The Lord saved me from committing suicide. I will forever cherish this gift of grace that has been freely given to me. I am sure you have a similar story to tell.
Our anchor scripture today explains how we received Salvation. It explains our lack of work or labour in actualizing Salvation. Every believer became saved not by his ability to perform a certain duty or responsibility. Our Salvation required no criteria from us but a willing heart and a desire for transformation. No man is capable and strong enough to bring about his own Salvation!
The sacrifice of Jesus in the place of the skull is the perfect example of the grace that saved us. Right from the heart of Eden’s tragic fall, mankind has always wallowed in sin, darkness, and destruction. There was no hope for redemption, and no man’s blood was fit for the offering of sin. So, men continued to perish and waste in sin.
But God’s gracious and loving nature made for us a grandmaster plan for the cure of man’s depravity and slothfulness. The popular scripture, John 3:16, tells us of the ultimate sacrifice made by the all-gracious Father of love. The depth of God’s love for mankind created a huge space in His heart for us. We all deserved hell! But GRACE rewrote our story of doom and rejection!
Amazingly, there was a price that Jesus paid for the sins He never committed. The provision of grace was solely birthed by God’s love for man. There was/is nothing you could ever have done to earn and merit grace. Romans 5.8 reveals that “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” My goodness! Think about that—While we were still sinners! That’s grace at work.
Many bible scholars have associated GRACE with the acronym;
G- God’s
R- Riches
A- At
In the early New Testament church, many of the Jewish believers expected gentile converts to get circumcised and keep the rituals and regulations. (Read Acts 15:1-2). It was a way of deserving the love of God. When Jesus gives us the gift of grace, He doesn’t expect us to pay Him back. It is given out of love, and we don’t deserve it at all. We are given the gift of Salvation through His grace. We can do nothing to earn this gift.
Father, Your grace continues to astound me despite my inadequacies. Your love remains unabashed by my shortcomings. Thank You for Your grace, and help me never to lose sight of it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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