“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17)
According to a survey, in today’s world, the number of religions is on the increase. Many continually search for the road map to access God and are still searching.
There is a deep, inborn, natural desire in man to search for God and reference a higher being. This is why when explorers go to the deepest jungles; they find some kind of worship objects. Every religion today explains its way to an unknown God, stating laws and commandments. The more they strive to obey all the commandments, the more they fall short, continually in a loop of trying to please a god they will never know.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites did not understand the ways of God. They only knew His acts and commandments, never coming to a place where they could understand this divine being who continually seemed perfect and too Holy a standard to live. (Psalm 103:7)
The structure of the Old Testament tabernacle exposed the impossibility of man to live a holy life, forever imperfect and insufficient in living the laws. The only thing which was supposed to bring them closer to God, took them farther from Him making him inaccessible. The laws continued to show the people their shortcomings and inability to ever measure up to God’s standards. The Bible calls the law the schoolmaster. (Galatians 3:25)
The coming of Lord Jesus brought a shift to the understanding of the person of God. Jesus brought with Him faith and grace. Faith is an instrument to connect to God and grace is a platform to utilize that instrument. Faith brought understanding about the person of God, unlike the law which left a lot of blank spaces, making the teachings of God without life and peace. Galatians 3.23 tells us, “Before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterward be revealed.”
Lord Jesus provides a platform for reconciliation and justification where we can now boldly access God without a middle man. It is only through Jesus that all men can be saved and brought to perfection.
So then, through faith, we access His power, and through Grace we know more of His person; His ways.
Thank You Lord Jesus, for the grace You have brought mankind. Amen
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