For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man, someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:7- 8 KJV)
We live in a world where it is rare and as good as impossible for a human being to naturally care about someone else without expecting something in return. It is rare for people to express “love” to someone who has nothing to offer them in return. The trend is that people do good to those who do good to them or those who could do good to them. That is how it works in this world.
The reason is simple - human love is conditional. People only tend to love those they find beautiful, have great personalities, or are very much attractive somehow. Human beings tend to have this mindset of “this person or this thing has to be worthy of my love.” But in case that object or person changes, the way they are loved also changes. Some people even reciprocate good gestures only to those that are good to them in some way.
However, God, who is the true definition of true love, shows us a different pattern altogether. We see in Romans 5:8 that God demonstrated His love to us by sending His son to die for us while we were still sinners. The world was actually in disobedience to God. The world simply did not have anything to offer God. God did not send His son to die for the sins of the world because the world had started keeping His commandments.
The Message Version of the Bible renders that verse this way: “But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to Him.” Really, this is true love with a difference! It is miles apart from how love is demonstrated in the world today.
Clearly, if God could love you so much while you were still a sinner, how much more now that you are His child. Do not allow the devil to make you feel unworthy, no matter what you think of yourself. Feelings could deprive one of the truth of God’s love. A great man of God once said, “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love does not.” God loves you irrespective of whatever the situation is.
Always stay conscious of God’s immense love towards you. He loves you, not in the way the world loves. He loved you before you told your first lie. He made the provision for the remission of your sin before you knew what sin was. Wow! He loves with a striking difference. He loves you because He has chosen to love you. Keep basking in His great love, and keep your heart in gratitude to Him for this.
We live in a world where it is rare and as good as impossible for a human being to naturally care about someone else without expecting something in return. It is rare for people to express “love” to someone who has nothing to offer them in return. The trend is that people do good to those who do good to them or those who could do good to them. That is how it works in this world.
The reason is simple - human love is conditional. People only tend to love those they find beautiful, have great personalities, or are very much attractive somehow. Human beings tend to have this mindset of “this person or this thing has to be worthy of my love.” But in case that object or person changes, the way they are loved also changes. Some people even reciprocate good gestures only to those that are good to them in some way.
However, God, who is the true definition of true love, shows us a different pattern altogether. We see in Romans 5:8 that God demonstrated His love to us by sending His son to die for us while we were still sinners. The world was actually in disobedience to God. The world simply did not have anything to offer God. God did not send His son to die for the sins of the world because the world had started keeping His commandments.
The Message Version of the Bible renders that verse this way: “But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to Him.” Really, this is true love with a difference! It is miles apart from how love is demonstrated in the world today.
Clearly, if God could love you so much while you were still a sinner, how much more now that you are His child. Do not allow the devil to make you feel unworthy, no matter what you think of yourself. Feelings could deprive one of the truth of God’s love. A great man of God once said, “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love does not.” God loves you irrespective of whatever the situation is.
Always stay conscious of God’s immense love towards you. He loves you, not in the way the world loves. He loved you before you told your first lie. He made the provision for the remission of your sin before you knew what sin was. Wow! He loves with a striking difference. He loves you because He has chosen to love you. Keep basking in His great love, and keep your heart in gratitude to Him for this.
Father Lord, I thank You for Your great love towards me. I pray that I stay conscious of Your love for me at all times. Help me to keep trusting You as the One who has loved me unconditionally. Help me to keep basking in your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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