Daily Manna
What is Prophetic Intercession?
Saturday, 13th of July 2024
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So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her. (Genesis 29:20)
The love that Jacob had for Rachel made years seem like days. When our prayers, our intercessions move out of the realm of duty-based, they carry a prophetic fragrance.
If you were to study the life of men and women of God in Scripture, whom God used mightily, you will see that all of them carried the ability to hear, see and receive information from Him. Let’s take the example of David. He was victorious in almost all battles that he faced. The secret was that, as David prayed before the battle could commence, he would receive crucial information in advance about the battle.
Turn with me to 1 Samuel 30:8
So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He (the LORD) answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.”
In this scripture, we see the man of God David earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer and then enquiring from the Lord concerning the battle. The LORD then responds with what David had to do. David would then do exactly as he was directed.
Prophetic intercession is based on divine revelation that comes as a result of earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer and worship. It also involves keenly listening to the LORD while interceding.
I remember back in the old days, turning the dial back and forth trying to tune into a radio station or changing the tracking on a video recorder to get a clear picture. Likewise, we need to learn to tune our spiritual eyes and ears into God so we can hear and see clearly what He would say to us.
Seeking divine revelation on the subject we are interceding is Prophetic intercession.
Psalm 53:2 says, “God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.” When we seek the Lord with the understanding that He provides, intercession will no longer become a mere religious activity. Scripture clearly tells us that this is what God desires. Be it interceding for the church, the nation or our family, we must be sensitive to His small still voice.
Information concerning a subject we are interceding can come through dreams, visions, and subtle impressions from the Spirit or even through passages of scripture highlighted by the Holy Spirit. In a group setting, when we receive information from the LORD, we must not just speak it out. We must quietly inform the leader what we have seen or received. This is where humility is seen. Many want to be seen and heard. This is where pride could creep in.
The purpose of prophetic intercession is to establish His will in the matter that we are interceding for.
The love that Jacob had for Rachel made years seem like days. When our prayers, our intercessions move out of the realm of duty-based, they carry a prophetic fragrance.
If you were to study the life of men and women of God in Scripture, whom God used mightily, you will see that all of them carried the ability to hear, see and receive information from Him. Let’s take the example of David. He was victorious in almost all battles that he faced. The secret was that, as David prayed before the battle could commence, he would receive crucial information in advance about the battle.
Turn with me to 1 Samuel 30:8
So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He (the LORD) answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.”
In this scripture, we see the man of God David earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer and then enquiring from the Lord concerning the battle. The LORD then responds with what David had to do. David would then do exactly as he was directed.
Prophetic intercession is based on divine revelation that comes as a result of earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer and worship. It also involves keenly listening to the LORD while interceding.
I remember back in the old days, turning the dial back and forth trying to tune into a radio station or changing the tracking on a video recorder to get a clear picture. Likewise, we need to learn to tune our spiritual eyes and ears into God so we can hear and see clearly what He would say to us.
Seeking divine revelation on the subject we are interceding is Prophetic intercession.
Psalm 53:2 says, “God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.” When we seek the Lord with the understanding that He provides, intercession will no longer become a mere religious activity. Scripture clearly tells us that this is what God desires. Be it interceding for the church, the nation or our family, we must be sensitive to His small still voice.
Information concerning a subject we are interceding can come through dreams, visions, and subtle impressions from the Spirit or even through passages of scripture highlighted by the Holy Spirit. In a group setting, when we receive information from the LORD, we must not just speak it out. We must quietly inform the leader what we have seen or received. This is where humility is seen. Many want to be seen and heard. This is where pride could creep in.
The purpose of prophetic intercession is to establish His will in the matter that we are interceding for.
Father, give me grace to earnestly seek You. Open my eyes and ears to see and hear. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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