Daily Manna
Day 27: 40 Days Fasting & Prayer
Wednesday, 18th of December 2024
Categories :
Fasting and Prayer
"I will ask the Father and he will give you another comforter, (counselor, helper, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, and standby) that he may remain with you forever." John 14:16 (AMP)
The Holy Spirit is a person and a part of the Godhead. Although many things have been written about Him in the scriptures and by different anointed men of God, there is still little said about Him in those anointed books by men of God, compared to how much we are meant to say about Him.
In essence, there is much that we need to say about the Holy Spirit, but we have said little about Him over the years. The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead, and His role cannot and should not be undermined.
In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved (Genesis 1:2). The Spirit of God was active at creation. Today, I desire that we will commune with the Holy Spirit and continue in fellowship with Him.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
1. The Holy Spirit is God. He is part of the Godhead—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
He is a person, and He is God. The Holy Spirit is not a force, as some mistakenly assume. He is not fire, a bird, a dove, or water. While these things can be symbols that He uses to display His personality or power, they are not who He is.
He is God, and He is a person. He has emotions; He can feel, be grieved, and be happy. He can speak—all of these are signs of life.
2. The Holy Spirit is God's Spirit within us. There are different kinds of spirits in the world, such as human spirits, angelic spirits, and demonic spirits. The Holy Spirit is God's Spirit residing in our spirits.
3. He releases the life, love, nature, and power of God into our lives.
His presence in our lives fuels us with the life of God. Through the Holy Spirit's presence, we are filled with the love and nature of God, and the power of God resides in our lives.
4. He is eternal.
The Holy Spirit, like God the Father and God the Son, cannot die. He has no beginning and no end. Everything else was created—man, angels, demons, creation, heavens, and earth.
God did not create the devil or demons as they are now; He created them as angels. Over time, they migrated and became devils and demons. However, the Holy Spirit is eternal; He is the Spirit of life (Zoe). He cannot die and has no beginning or end, just like God. So, He is eternal.
5. The Holy Spirit helps us in pleasing God.
That is His role; He is a helper.
6. He aids us in our prayer lives (Romans 8:26). These are the things the Holy Spirit is actively doing in the life of a believer.
7. He helps us to do the impossible, specializing in turning impossibilities into possibilities.
8. The Holy Spirit helps us overcome the enemy. Isaiah 59:19 states that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God lifts up a standard against them. The Spirit of God assists us in overcoming the enemy.
9. He leads us in God's perfect plan for our lives.
What are the seven major ministries of the Holy Spirit in our present times?
According to John 14:16 in the Amplified Translation, it reveals seven significant aspects of the Holy Spirit.
1. He is a Comforter.
2. Counselor.
3. Helper.
4. Intercessor.
5. Advocate.
6. Strengthener.
7. Standby.
These are the seven ministries of the Holy Spirit. Understanding them allows you to commune with Him in these different areas.
So, let's look at the first one:
1. He is the Comforter. When you commune with the Holy Spirit, then you can enjoy the ministry of comfort. There are times when people don't understand you. But when you commune with the Holy Spirit, He comforts you because, at that point, man could not help. Man's word can hurt you but Holy Spirit's word comforts you.
2. He is a counselor. There will always be times when you don't know what to do. Through true communion with the Holy Spirit, you can receive counsel on the direction to go, and on what to do.
3. He is your Helper. When you commune with the Holy Spirit, you will enjoy timely help. There will be help for you in times of need.
4. He is your Intercessor. The Holy Spirit is praying for you according to the perfect will of God for your life (Romans 8:26). I believe in praying in tongues. When we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit helps us to intercede. He prays with groaning and advocates for us. He intercedes for us. These are the ministries of the Holy Spirit, and when we are communing with Him, we are in a position to enjoy His person and His ministry. Communion with the Holy Spirit is fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit.
It is a time when you fellowship with Him, and as you fellowship with Him, the seven ministries that He is to fulfill in your life are activated.
What are the ways you can commune with the Holy Spirit?
1. Acknowledge Him.
Proverbs 3 verse 6 says, "In all your ways acknowledge." He is inside you as a believer, but if you don't acknowledge Him, you may not enjoy His fellowship, companionship, and ministry.
2. Obey Him.
Disobedience and sin grieves the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). When you engage in sinful practices or ignore His instructions, you are indirectly and directly grieving the Holy Spirit.
3. Ask Him questions.
Jeremiah 33 verse 3 says, "Call unto me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not." He is there to help you. When you're facing difficulty, it's good to pray, but asking questions is different from prayer. Prayer of inquiry means you are asking the Holy Spirit, "Holy Spirit, what should I do about this thing? Who is this person? Where should I go?" When you ask these questions, you are communing with Him, and He will respond to you because He has a voice and speaks as a person.
4. Depend on Him.
Don't rely solely on your intelligence, what doctors or experts are telling you, or what you see with your physical eyes and the facts in the natural realm. Depend on the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 42:16 says, "And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not, and I will lead them in paths that they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight."
The Holy Spirit has been given to you to help fulfill Isaiah 42, verse 16 so that you are no longer blind. You can now see because He shows you things when you commune with Him. When you commune with Him, He leads you on paths that you have not known. Darkness is turned into light, and crooked things are made straight because you are communing with Him. God has promised never to leave you or forsake you, but you must commune with Him to enjoy every promise that He has given to you. The Holy Spirit is there. I want you to commune with Him. Be conscious of His presence in your life.
Once you are doing all of these things, you will grow in the consciousness of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and you will enjoy the ministry and person of the Holy Spirit.
Bible Reading Plan : 1 Corinthians 10 - 15
Repeat every prayer missile till it comes from your heart. Only then move on to the next prayer missile. (Repeat it, personalise it, do this with each prayer point for a minimum 1 minute)
1. Father, I come to you and repent of my independence. I yield myself to you, O God, and I acknowledge your Holy Spirit in my life. (Psalm 51:10-12)
2. O Lord, give me grace to commune with your Holy Spirit every day and every time in Jesus' name. (2 Corinthians 13:14)
3. Holy Spirit, show me areas where I'm missing it in my life, family, business, health, and career, in Jesus' name. (Psalm 139:23-24)
4. Holy Spirit, help me. I am in need. I cannot do it by myself. I need your help in Jesus' name. (Psalm 121:2)
5. Holy Spirit, open my ears that I may start hearing you, open my eyes that I may start seeing you, open my understanding that I may start knowing you in Jesus' name. (Ephesians 1:17-18)
6. Pray in tongues for a few minutes. (1 Corinthians 14:4)
7. Holy Spirit, enlighten the eyes of my understanding. Strengthen me so that I may know the riches of redemption in Jesus' name. (Ephesians 1:18-19)
8. Father, I ask for the outpouring of the Spirit of joy in my life that I may be happy, filled with joy and energy all the days of my life, in Jesus' name. (Nehemiah 8:10)
9. I break the spirit of stagnation and spiritual dryness in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 43:19)
10. I receive grace to walk with the Holy Spirit, to be a co-worker with the Holy Spirit, and to yield to the Lordship of Jesus in all areas of my life, in Jesus' name. (1 Corinthians 3:9)
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