Daily Manna
Day 29: 40 Days Fasting & Prayer
Friday, 20th of December 2024
Categories :
Fasting and Prayer
"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." (2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV)
This year, my prayer for you is that your work will be rewarded in Jesus' name.
It is possible to work and not be rewarded. We have seen that in the life of Jacob when he was living with his uncle Laban. Jacob worked many times, and his work was not rewarded. God visited Jacob and turned the whole story around, and the wealth of Laban was divinely converted to Jacob (Genesis 31:38-42).
Jacob is a covenant child. Laban represents the world system. We are in this world as believers, but we are not of this world. This world system operates like Laban. In the world, many deceitful measures are used in business, in the marketplace, and everywhere you turn. As God's children, we must pray for God to intervene so that our reward will not be short-changed. God must step in if we must receive and enjoy our full reward. That is what happened to Jacob. God is still taking back the blessings due to his children.
2 Chronicles 15:7 says "...your work will be rewarded." Every work has a reward. And God assures us that our work will be rewarded. I don't know the work you've done for five years, seven years, or ten years. This year is your season of reward and recognition in Jesus' name. If anyone is eating that reward, God will take it from their hands and return it to you in Jesus' name.
In Esther chapter 6, verse 3, the king said, "What honour and recognition has Mordecai received for this?" Mordecai helped in saving the king's life, but he was not rewarded. Even though it was documented, he was not rewarded. At the right time, God divinely stepped in, and the king could not sleep until the Book of Records was brought, and Mordecai was rewarded and recognised.
It takes God to return to you the reward that is due for you. I pray that in this season, you shall enjoy reward and recognition in Jesus' name. Many of us have laboured at different places, both in the ministry, business, community and over the lives of others. In one way or the other, some of those people did not recognise us, they did not bless us when they were blessed, and they did not reward us, but God has a reward system that will reward you for all that is due to you. Another scripture I want us to look at is Ecclesiastes 9, verses 15 to 16. It says, "Now there lived in that city a man, poor but wise, and he saved the city by his wisdom, but nobody remembered that poor man. So I said, 'Wisdom is better than strength." Wisdom is better, but in this Scripture, the man was wise and yet is poor. By his wisdom, he saved the whole city, and yet nobody remembered him. Men, by default, easily forget. That is why the psalmist says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” (Psalm 103:2)"
After the fall, our memory for good things became very short. We easily forget the good things that are done to us, but we keep in memory the bad things that others have done against us. When people forget you, what you need is to pray to God to step in, so that your labour will not be in vain. God will ensure that you receive your reward either directly from the same person or from other places. You can labour in a specific place and be rewarded in another place. Don't limit God.
All of these instances I've shared with you reveal that God rewards. God can cause a season of reward to come to you. All your labour cannot be in vain when you hold God by His words. In Genesis 15:1, God said to Abraham, "Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield, your very great reward." God says, "I am your reward."
God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). So God can reward His children. Paul encouraged us that whatever we do, we should do it as unto the Lord because it is God that will reward us (Colossians 3:23-24).
This is your season of reward. You must rise and pray for God to intervene. The same God that rewarded Jacob will surely reward you. Today, our prayer focus is on activating the season of reward and recognition.
I want you to pray with all of your heart because I see that in this year, God will reward you, and you will be recognised and lifted out of obscurity into the limelight in Jesus' name.
Bible Reading Plan : 2 Corinthians 10- Galatians 4
Repeat every prayer missile till it comes from your heart. Only then move on to the next prayer missile. (Repeat it, personalise it, do this with each prayer point for a minimum 1 minute)
1. Father, cause my season of reward and recognition to manifest speedily in Jesus' name. (Hebrews 11:6)
2. Father, open the book of remembrance for me and bless me in this season. (Malachi 3:16)
3. I release my name into the atmosphere, anyone who is ordained to help me will remember me for good in Jesus' name. (Esther 6:1-3)
4. Oh Lord, send me help from your sanctuary in Jesus' name. (Psalm 20:2)
5. Father, cause my labours and good works to be remembered for reward and recognition in Jesus' name. (Revelation 14:13)
6. I decree that this is my season of elevation, recognition and celebration in Jesus' name. (Psalm 75:6-7)
7. Father, raise men and voices for me, so that they will speak good about me in high places in Jesus' name. (Proverbs 22:29)
8. I silence the voice of accusation and evil targeted at my life, career, ministry, and family in Jesus' name. (Isaiah 54:17)
9. I decree all things are working together for my good in Jesus' name. (Romans 8:28)
10. I call forth my season of reward and blessings from the North, South, East and West, in Jesus' name. (Deuteronomy 28:12)
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