Daily Manna
Day 31: 40 Days Fasting & Prayer
Sunday, 22nd of December 2024
Categories :
Fasting and Prayer
Victory Through the Blood
"The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt." (Exodus 12:13 NIV)
During the Passover, the blood of animals was used as a type of the blood of Christ. That blood of animals was pointing to the blood of Christ. God told the Israelites that when He sees the blood, He will pass over them. This was a time when a mighty plague was about to hit a whole nation, the nation of Egypt, and God was giving His people an exemption through the blood.
From this, we can learn about the power in the blood of Jesus. There is victory through the blood of Jesus when we apply it not only to ourselves but also to our household. It can exempt us from evil.
Many times, when a sudden attack happens, unbelievers and some baby Christians will just shout and say, "Ah!" But when you understand what the blood of Jesus can do, in those times of sudden attack, that is when you are to plead the blood and shout the blood. It is in those times that you will shout the blood of Jesus because it can ward off sudden attacks, plagues, accidents, and evil.
Exodus 24, verse 8 says, "Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words." (NIV)
This covenant was related to the Old Covenant, but the same principle applies to the New Covenant. When Jesus shed His blood on the cross, that blood in the spiritual realm was sprinkled on us to cleanse us, sanctify us, make us righteous, and seal us up in the covenants of God.
The blood of Jesus has been shed once and for all, and it still speaks up till now. It speaks better things than the blood of Abel (Hebrews 12:24). Some blood speaks vengeance. If somebody is killed unjustly, that blood can speak. That is why when Cain killed Abel, the blood of Abel was still speaking from the ground (Genesis 4:10). So when people are killed unjustly, their voice can speak, and that voice will be speaking judgments against the person who killed them and against his generation. But the blood of Jesus is speaking better things for us. The blood of Jesus speaks justification for us. The blood of Jesus speaks of cleansing and redemption for us.
Blood can speak because the life of a thing is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11); the life of Christ is also in His blood. So when He shed His blood, it's a way of showing that He has given His life for us.
In Psalm 106, verse 38 it says, "They shed innocent blood...." (NIV)
There are wicked people in this world who are still shedding innocent blood. They rejoice when people die. They are happy when people fall. If you don't counter and overcome them, they are ready to destroy your life. The Scripture says that the whole world lies in wickedness (1 John 5:19).
There are wicked men all around trying to attack people. There are also spiritual forces in the spiritual realm that are also attacking people. Through the blood of Jesus, you have victory over all of these forces and powers, for the scripture says that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).
Revelations Chapter 12, verse 11 says, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." (NIV)
Through the blood of Jesus, we overcome every power and battle that may come our way. The blood of Jesus is potent enough to give us victory over the devil.
We can overcome the devil and any principalities and powers that come our way through the blood of Jesus. But you must understand what the blood can do and have confidence in the power of the blood of Jesus. Today, as we pray and gain victory through the blood of Jesus, I want you to continue praying, meditating, and studying what the blood of Jesus can do for you so that your victory can be sustained day and night.
Bible Reading Plan : Philippians 2 - 1 Thessalonians 2
Repeat every prayer missile till it comes from your heart. Only then move on to the next prayer missile. (Repeat it, personalise it, do this with each prayer point for a minimum 1 minute)
1. In the name of Jesus, I gain victory in the spiritual realm and the physical realm over every power, fighting against my advancement and against my glory. (Romans 8:37)
2. I overcome every household power, fighting my glorious destiny in the name of Jesus Christ. I overcome you by the blood of Jesus. (Revelation 12:11)
3. Every judgment of death hanging over my life, I destroy you by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 12:24)
4. I silence every voice of accusation, every voice of condemnation and judgment speaking against my destiny. Through the blood of Jesus, I silence you, in Jesus' name. (Colossians 2:14)
5. By the blood of Jesus, I destroy every weapon that is fashioned against me. It shall not prosper in Jesus' name. (Isaiah 54:17)
6. By the blood of Jesus, I move into the realm of celebration in the name of Jesus. Any power stopping my testimony, fall, be wasted in Jesus' name. (Psalm 118:15)
7. Blood of Jesus, fight for me over every household wickedness, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 6:12)
8. I cover myself, my spouse, my children, my business, and all that concerns me and my loved ones with the blood of Jesus. (Psalm 91:4)
9. By the blood of Jesus, I reverse and wipe out every handwriting of darkness. Every pending attack of darkness programmed into any month waiting to manifest against my life, be wiped off, be cancelled in Jesus' name. (Colossians 2:15)
10. Blood of Jesus, pass through my life and flush out every pollution, every poison that has been injected into my life in the dream, in the name of Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:7)
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