Raj and Priya were facing a big financial problem. One night, after their kids were asleep, they sat on their sofa to pray for God's help. Suddenly, they heard a voice saying, “If you need help, call 9-1-1” several times. Surprised, they looked at each other.
The voice seemed to come from the corner where their son's toys were kept. They went there, turned on the light, and saw everything was normal except for their son's toy ambulance in the middle of the floor. When Raj pressed a button on it, it said, “If you need help, call 9-1-1.” They were puzzled about how the toy turned on by itself. Then, Raj felt like the Holy Spirit was telling him, “If you need help, call 9-1-1 —Psalm 91:1.” They read the verse in the Bible: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
Raj and Priya felt this was God's way of showing them to focus more on their relationship with Him, the ‘secret place’ where they can be in the ‘presence of the Almighty’. They believed God would guide them in solving their financial issues as they devoted themselves to this close relationship with Him.
I truly believe that when we focus on the 'secret place' of the Most High, powerful things from heaven happen on earth.
Hell and its demons try hard to confuse and distract us away from the joy of being close to God. Today's world is set up in a way that takes away our time and energy from the ‘secret place’. Often, the church puts a lot of effort into keeping saints busy with activities. It's rare to find believers whose ‘secret life’ with God is so inspiring and full of life that it encourages others to do the same.
Many believers know that spending time in the ‘secret place’ is key to a strong Christian life, but often find it hard to do this every day. I understand what it's like to feel you're not living up to your potential in your Christian walk and feeling stuck. Sometimes, when we're tired, we turn to things like TV, a night out at the pub, or a rock concert to feel better. We think these activities will refresh us, but they usually leave us feeling empty again. Deep down, we realise that these distractions can't give us the strength we get from sitting quietly, listening to God's word, and being in His presence. This is where true power and fulfilment are found.
3About the ninth hour of the day, he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming in and saying to him, “Cornelius!” 4And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, “What is it, lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God. (Acts 10:3-4)
The fruitfulness that erupted from Cornelius’s life after this encounter was astonishing. It wasn't just a personal blessing; it was a divine strategy, a ripple effect that would extend beyond his household to nations across the globe. The same can happen to you. Spending time in the ‘secret place’ is the secret!
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 15-17
Heavenly Father, draw me nearer to Your heart. Let me dwell deeply in Your secret place and find solace under Your protective shadow in Jesus’ name. (Psalm 91:1)
Lord, in every aspect of my life, I declare You as my steadfast refuge and unshakeable fortress in Jesus’ name. (Psalm 91:2)
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