Then saviours shall come to Mount Zion. To judge the mountains of Esau, And the kingdom shall be the Lord's. (Obadiah 1:21)
Children are not an accidental mistake like most people think. Perhaps you are one of those parents that see your child as a mistake, an unplanned pregnancy, and so you don't take their life and their upbringing seriously. I have good news for you; your child is not a mistake. God has a definite purpose for your child. Your child is a star sent from God to brighten the earth. Unfortunately, the devil recognizes our children's stardom more than most parents do, so he does everything to frustrate their rising.
Let's see this instance in Mark 9:20-23. The Bible says, "Then they brought him to Him. And when he saw Him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the ground and wallowed, foaming at the mouth. So He asked his father, "How long has this been happening to him?" And he said, "From childhood. And often, he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." So Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
On one occasion during Christ's ministry, He brought deliverance to an epileptic boy whom the spirits had been physically attacking since early childhood (Mark 9:21). On another occasion, he freed a woman's young daughter who had been possessed by an evil spirit (Matt. 15:22).
You can imagine what a little girl did in life to be possessed by an evil spirit. Who did the child offend, or what has he gotten involved with in life? What happened that a young boy is tormented by an evil spirit? These are people that would grow up to torment the kingdom of darkness, so the devil is out to frustrate God's plan for their lives. But he has failed.
Do you also have a child that is giving you issues? Do you have a child that keeps falling into errors and bringing you more tears than joy? Is your child into one addiction or the other? I want you to know that those children are saviours. Yes, he has a glorious and colourful destiny. He is the answer the world is waiting for. He has in him great inventions that will humble the proud. So don't give up. All that you are experiencing is just a manipulation of the devil to shift him or her from that glorious destiny.
For instance, the pharaoh of Egypt assigned the Egyptian midwives, and later, all the Egyptian people, to cast every newborn Hebrew son into the Nile River (Exodus 1:16, 22). This decree of death on the sons forced the mother of Moses to hide the infant in a small handmade ark in the Nile River.
Centuries later, Herod heard that a king of the Jews had been born in Bethlehem. Out of fear, he commanded Roman soldiers to slay all infants under two years of age (Matthew 2:16). But, through God's protection, both Moses and Jesus escaped from these decrees of death and brought redemption to their generation - one to Egypt and the other to the whole world.
So, don't give your child up for slaughter. God has purposed and crafted great inventions into him. All you need to do is take that step that the father of the child in Mark chapter 9 or the mother in Mathew chapter 15. Go all out after Jesus for the sake of your child. Please don't give up on him or her because the world will remain in darkness without their light. God has deposited great treasures in them that will liberate the world. So, pray for them. Carry them to the Savior in prayer so their global assignment can find a sound footing.
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31-32
Children are not an accidental mistake like most people think. Perhaps you are one of those parents that see your child as a mistake, an unplanned pregnancy, and so you don't take their life and their upbringing seriously. I have good news for you; your child is not a mistake. God has a definite purpose for your child. Your child is a star sent from God to brighten the earth. Unfortunately, the devil recognizes our children's stardom more than most parents do, so he does everything to frustrate their rising.
Let's see this instance in Mark 9:20-23. The Bible says, "Then they brought him to Him. And when he saw Him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the ground and wallowed, foaming at the mouth. So He asked his father, "How long has this been happening to him?" And he said, "From childhood. And often, he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." So Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
On one occasion during Christ's ministry, He brought deliverance to an epileptic boy whom the spirits had been physically attacking since early childhood (Mark 9:21). On another occasion, he freed a woman's young daughter who had been possessed by an evil spirit (Matt. 15:22).
These two incidents indicate that certain types of spirits will attempt to invade the lives of children at a very early age. These children have a glorious destiny to fulfil. They are a global solution. Perhaps the devil had seen these stars and decided to make them a cause for worry for their parents.
You can imagine what a little girl did in life to be possessed by an evil spirit. Who did the child offend, or what has he gotten involved with in life? What happened that a young boy is tormented by an evil spirit? These are people that would grow up to torment the kingdom of darkness, so the devil is out to frustrate God's plan for their lives. But he has failed.
Do you also have a child that is giving you issues? Do you have a child that keeps falling into errors and bringing you more tears than joy? Is your child into one addiction or the other? I want you to know that those children are saviours. Yes, he has a glorious and colourful destiny. He is the answer the world is waiting for. He has in him great inventions that will humble the proud. So don't give up. All that you are experiencing is just a manipulation of the devil to shift him or her from that glorious destiny.
For instance, the pharaoh of Egypt assigned the Egyptian midwives, and later, all the Egyptian people, to cast every newborn Hebrew son into the Nile River (Exodus 1:16, 22). This decree of death on the sons forced the mother of Moses to hide the infant in a small handmade ark in the Nile River.
Centuries later, Herod heard that a king of the Jews had been born in Bethlehem. Out of fear, he commanded Roman soldiers to slay all infants under two years of age (Matthew 2:16). But, through God's protection, both Moses and Jesus escaped from these decrees of death and brought redemption to their generation - one to Egypt and the other to the whole world.
So, don't give your child up for slaughter. God has purposed and crafted great inventions into him. All you need to do is take that step that the father of the child in Mark chapter 9 or the mother in Mathew chapter 15. Go all out after Jesus for the sake of your child. Please don't give up on him or her because the world will remain in darkness without their light. God has deposited great treasures in them that will liberate the world. So, pray for them. Carry them to the Savior in prayer so their global assignment can find a sound footing.
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31-32
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the blessing of these young ones. We pray that you rescue them from the shackles of darkness. We pray that they shall rise to take their place in destiny. The devil shall not steal them from your purpose. They shall save their generation from decadence. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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