Daily Manna
21 Days Fast: Day #6
Friday, 17th of December 2021
Categories :
Fasting and Prayer
Some Christians stay in the same predicament even after hearing anointed biblical teachings that have the power to change their lives. Decide now that you will not be one of them. Failing to execute what you learn produces empty results.
Important: Do not attempt to pray the following if you are not fasting.
Scriptures for Meditation
2 Kings 4:1-7
Matthew 17: 24-27
The following Three Prophetic Instructions will get you out of debt and, more importantly, keep you out of debt.
Prophetic Instruction #1:
Create a list of every bill, debt, and loan you owe someone
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it (Luke 14:28).
Knowing exactly how much you owe is vital. God is a God of divine order and details. Divine order is a prerequisite for miracles. Jesus had the multitude sit in groups of fifty before miraculously feeding them with a loaf of bread and two pieces of fish (Luke 9:14-17).
Prophetic Instruction #2:
Lay hands on that list and pray the prayer points for the remaining days of the fast. You must repeat every prayer point at least 12 times or more.
1. Vicious cycle of economic famine, I break your power over my life, my family, and my finances in the name of Jesus Christ. Every bill, debt, and loan would be miraculously paid off in the name of Jesus.
2. Blood of Jesus nullify every satanic power eating up my finances and possessions in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Father, in the name of Jesus, disconnect my family members and me from spiritual leeches (Proverbs 30:15)
4. Evil powers holding my finances, possessions and my sources of income be cut off in the name of Jesus.
5. Oh Lord, deliver me from profitless labour and confusion in Jesus’ Name.
6. Every ancestral bondage of debt and poverty over my life be cancelled by the Blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
7. I have been made righteous through the Blood of Jesus Christ, so, wealth of the wicked locate me now, In Jesus’ Name. (Read Proverbs 13:22)
8. Divine doors of prosperity and blessing open for me now in the name of Jesus.
9. Father, network me with divine helpers in the name of Jesus Christ.
10. Every evil money or possessions given to me or my family members causing hindrance in my finances, I wipe you out of existence with the Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus’ Name.
11. Lord, instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. Guide me with your eye. (Psalm 32: 8) From now on, every decision of mine would be totally influenced by Your Spirit in Jesus’ name.
Prophetic Instruction #3:
Become a partner with Karuna Sadan Ministry (or any other ministry that is doing the work of God). I am not writing this so that we can get some money out of you.
Partnership releases an anointing that will break the yoke of poverty over your life. If your prosperity is all about you, then it is selfishness.
Give, and it will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundance will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! Your measurement of generosity becomes the measurement of your return.” (Luke 6:38 TPT)
Abundance in an overflowing measure is released when you give. Giving deals with the heart and delivers one from the spirits of greed and selfishness. There is no other way to deal with the spirits of greed, covetousness and selfishness.
Please keep saying this as many times as you can.
Anyone that looks up to me for help this year 2021, and the coming year 2022 will not be disappointed. I shall have enough to satisfy my needs and plenty to give to others in need in Jesus’ name.
(Note: The LORD will show you things through dreams, visions, creative ideas that will help you get out of debt. Please act on them)
Note: Pastor Michael and Pastor Anita are celebrating their 22nd Wedding Anniversary today (17.12.2021), so please uphold them and their family in your fastings and prayers.
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