When I ask people who their mentor is? Some reply, "Jesus is my mentor." Such people don't really know or understand what the Bible says concerning a mentor. A mentor is a person whom God ordains.
If you read the Bible, Timothy's father was a Greek Gentile. But still, Timothy chose Apostle Paul to be his mentor. Apostle Paul called Timothy "a true son in the faith" (1 Timothy 1:2). Today, how many in the church can be referred to "as a true son or a true daughter in the faith." - very few. Today, many want the name and fame of being attached to a famous man or woman of God.
Do you know that Timothy became the first bishop of Ephesus? How did this happen? He was mentored by Apostle Paul. There are some things that can be taught, and there are some things that can only be caught.
Right from my early Christian days, I knew the importance of a mentor. Two men of God whom I really learned from were the man of God D.G.S.Dhinakaran and Pastor Benny Hinn. I never knew these men of God personally. They probably did not know that I even existed. I would read their books, watch their videos and listen to their tapes over and over again. Every sermon, I would write everything down and study it further. I would try and meet people who were close to them and learn about their personal prayer lives.
I remember when the man of God, D.G.S.Dhinakaran, came to Kolhapur; I organized two buses and took a load of people to the crusade. It is nearly a 10-hour journey. It was a city bus that we got very cheaply. The seats were straight, the suspension of the bus was terrible, and our backs were hurting. We did not even sleep, but I was so excited to see the man of God up close that I endured everything gladly.
Some people are too proud to be with a mentor. They will stay with a person for two days, and after that, they will do their own thing. No man of God is perfect. No mentor is perfect, but God will use such mentors to take you to the next level in your walk with the Lord.
Jesus spent three and a half years of His life in ministry. Most of His time was not with the crowds or with wealthy and influential leaders but with twelve men into whom He poured His life and wisdom. First, he would speak in parables to the crowds of people; then, He would explain and elaborate with the disciples. These men became the building blocks of His church.
There are crowds, and then there are disciples. Disciples always seek a mentor. If you call me your mentor, then you must be serious about growing in the ways of God this year. If you really want to be mentored then you must be like soft clay. The Spirit of God working alongside your mentor will mould you into a useful vessel ready for the master's use. (2 Timothy 2:21)
Bible Reading: Exodus 33-35
If you read the Bible, Timothy's father was a Greek Gentile. But still, Timothy chose Apostle Paul to be his mentor. Apostle Paul called Timothy "a true son in the faith" (1 Timothy 1:2). Today, how many in the church can be referred to "as a true son or a true daughter in the faith." - very few. Today, many want the name and fame of being attached to a famous man or woman of God.
Do you know that Timothy became the first bishop of Ephesus? How did this happen? He was mentored by Apostle Paul. There are some things that can be taught, and there are some things that can only be caught.
Right from my early Christian days, I knew the importance of a mentor. Two men of God whom I really learned from were the man of God D.G.S.Dhinakaran and Pastor Benny Hinn. I never knew these men of God personally. They probably did not know that I even existed. I would read their books, watch their videos and listen to their tapes over and over again. Every sermon, I would write everything down and study it further. I would try and meet people who were close to them and learn about their personal prayer lives.
I remember when the man of God, D.G.S.Dhinakaran, came to Kolhapur; I organized two buses and took a load of people to the crusade. It is nearly a 10-hour journey. It was a city bus that we got very cheaply. The seats were straight, the suspension of the bus was terrible, and our backs were hurting. We did not even sleep, but I was so excited to see the man of God up close that I endured everything gladly.
Some people are too proud to be with a mentor. They will stay with a person for two days, and after that, they will do their own thing. No man of God is perfect. No mentor is perfect, but God will use such mentors to take you to the next level in your walk with the Lord.
Jesus spent three and a half years of His life in ministry. Most of His time was not with the crowds or with wealthy and influential leaders but with twelve men into whom He poured His life and wisdom. First, he would speak in parables to the crowds of people; then, He would explain and elaborate with the disciples. These men became the building blocks of His church.
There are crowds, and then there are disciples. Disciples always seek a mentor. If you call me your mentor, then you must be serious about growing in the ways of God this year. If you really want to be mentored then you must be like soft clay. The Spirit of God working alongside your mentor will mould you into a useful vessel ready for the master's use. (2 Timothy 2:21)
Bible Reading: Exodus 33-35
Father, I thank You for the mentor you have placed in my life. (Spend some time praying for your mentor and your relationship with him/her).
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