Daily Manna
Do This in Today’s Times
Friday, 10th of June 2022
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These past months have been challenging and stressful for millions of people. Each time I would extend my condolences and sympathize with people concerning their painful situations, I would feel a deep prick inside of me. The Holy Spirit then burdened me saying, “Son, earnestly pray for my people.” To be honest, I feel overwhelmed sometimes at the sheer amount of prayer requests, but I have decided to obey His voice.
One day Lord Jesus “called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” (Luke 9:1-2)
Lord Jesus commissioned His disciples to heal the sick in His name. This simply means that every disciple has the divine authority backing him or her to do it.
“These signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons……….they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:17-18)
In these times, certain restrictions may not allow us to lay hands on people and pray for them. However, that should not stop you from interceding for them. When you receive news about their sickness, their troubles – intercede for them. Instead of just sympathizing with them, tell them that you are going to pray for them.
Tell them that Lord Jesus is still on the throne, and He will not leave them or forsake them. When you adopt such an attitude that is based on God’s word, you will be surprised at the results that will follow. Testimonies of God’s miraculous intervention will start pouring in from all places – the name of Jesus will be lifted up!
One of the ways you can be a blessing to multitudes is by becoming a Prayer Warrior on Noah's App. You don’t have to go anywhere searching for someone to pray. The prayer requests will pop up right on the Noah App. All you have to do is call the KSM office and tell them that you would like to pray for the prayer requests. They will verify you and register you (all of this is free). When you pray for a request, they will get an alert that so and so has prayed for their request.
You may say, “Pastor Michael, what is in it for me?” Good question! Do you know that an intercessor is very close to the heart of God? Prophets are the mouthpiece of God, and evangelists are His feet, but intercessors are His very heart. Ask the Lord to give you the grace to intercede for others.
You see, in the kingdom of God, the way up is the way down; to get we need to give. The way to solve your problem is to solve the problems of others (with the help of God). Have you not read about Job? He had more problems than most of us. This is when Job decided to pray for the people around him and look, what happened. “And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.” (Job 42:10)
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You for the heart of an intercessor. Help me imitate You. Amen.
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