Daily Manna
How to Become a Witness of His Resurrection – II
Monday, 10th of April 2023
Categories :
True Witness
We are continuing in our series on ‘How to become an Effective Witness to the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ’.
The second way to become an effective witness to His resurrection is a changed life. You see, there are many slick talkers today. God is more interested in your walk than your talk. Even the people of the world will read your gospel before they can read the four gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. What do I mean by that? It simply means that people want to see the change in your life first before they buy into what you are saying.
Maybe you have a weakness for alcohol, a weakness for cigarettes. Throw those things away and don’t go back to them again. Ask the LORD for His power to stay out of those addictions. The people around you will look at you and say, “What happened to this person. Every morning he was shaking but now he's shaking others by the Holy Spirit. I want what he has.” Hallelujah!
I want to tell everyone reading this, “Don’t live the ordinary life, Go for the higher life that is available in Christ Jesus.” You will rise up like a Joseph, like an Esther and become a blessing to thousands. A changed life is the greatest proof of His resurrection power at work in our present times.
Even church folk, when they are hurt by someone, they immediately change churches because they think the other church is better than the one they are currently in. The truth is, man is man everywhere, and God is God everywhere. So in 2021, they are in one church, in 2022 they are in some other church and by 2030 they are back in the same church where they previously were. You don’t have to be like them. Learn from the mistakes of others – that’s wisdom. When people hurt you, forgive them. Just release them to the Lord saying, “I forgive you because of Jesus.” Forgive and move on ahead. Don’t delay the manifestation of your calling.
Nowadays, hardly anyone wants to forgive. They seek revenge. “You did this to me, now I will show you my other side.” Revenge is the desire to get even when someone does you wrong. “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, and that’s why there are so many people running toothless now.” Revenge puts you on the same level as them. Secular studies have shown that revenge increases stress and impairs health and immunity. Someone powerfully said, "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Leave the revenge to God.
“Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice. For the Scriptures say: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19 TPT) Forgiveness is another way we become an effective witness of His resurrection.
The second way to become an effective witness to His resurrection is a changed life. You see, there are many slick talkers today. God is more interested in your walk than your talk. Even the people of the world will read your gospel before they can read the four gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. What do I mean by that? It simply means that people want to see the change in your life first before they buy into what you are saying.
Maybe you have a weakness for alcohol, a weakness for cigarettes. Throw those things away and don’t go back to them again. Ask the LORD for His power to stay out of those addictions. The people around you will look at you and say, “What happened to this person. Every morning he was shaking but now he's shaking others by the Holy Spirit. I want what he has.” Hallelujah!
I want to tell everyone reading this, “Don’t live the ordinary life, Go for the higher life that is available in Christ Jesus.” You will rise up like a Joseph, like an Esther and become a blessing to thousands. A changed life is the greatest proof of His resurrection power at work in our present times.
Even church folk, when they are hurt by someone, they immediately change churches because they think the other church is better than the one they are currently in. The truth is, man is man everywhere, and God is God everywhere. So in 2021, they are in one church, in 2022 they are in some other church and by 2030 they are back in the same church where they previously were. You don’t have to be like them. Learn from the mistakes of others – that’s wisdom. When people hurt you, forgive them. Just release them to the Lord saying, “I forgive you because of Jesus.” Forgive and move on ahead. Don’t delay the manifestation of your calling.
Nowadays, hardly anyone wants to forgive. They seek revenge. “You did this to me, now I will show you my other side.” Revenge is the desire to get even when someone does you wrong. “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, and that’s why there are so many people running toothless now.” Revenge puts you on the same level as them. Secular studies have shown that revenge increases stress and impairs health and immunity. Someone powerfully said, "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Leave the revenge to God.
“Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice. For the Scriptures say: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19 TPT) Forgiveness is another way we become an effective witness of His resurrection.
Blessed Holy Spirit, please do a deep work in my life. I embrace change in the name of Jesus.
Father, I thank You for the power of forgiveness released in my life through the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus. I choose to forgive everyone who has hurt me. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Father, I thank You for the power of forgiveness released in my life through the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus. I choose to forgive everyone who has hurt me. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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