Whether you are a man or a woman, you are who you are today because of the choices you made yesterday. You are who you are today because of the environment you worked in or perhaps lived in.
The Bible clearly says that we are to grow in our level of faith, “from faith to faith” (Romans 1:17). We are to be transformed daily from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). So then it is clear that God wants us to grow in our faith and move on to the next level of glory.
Now don’t worry if you have made the wrong choices in the past. Don’t beat yourself up if your associations or environment have not been all that desirable.
The good news is that you can become a totally different person with the help of the Holy Spirit and your determination. You can become all that God wants you to be.
The key lies in the verse below:
The prophet Samuel told Saul saying, “The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will become a different person (1 Samuel 10:6)
Apostle John and his brother James were referred to as the sons of thunder, perhaps because of their anger. One day, Lord Jesus and His disciples were travelling through the village of Samaria on their way to Jerusalem, and the Samaritans did not receive Him. So the brothers, out of anger, approached Jesus for permission to call down fire from heaven to destroy the village (Luke 9:52-54).
Lord Jesus rebuked them sharply. However, through the constant fellowship of Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, they changed themselves. Today, we refer to John as an apostle of love. (1 John, 2 John, 3 John). What a drastic change! This can happen to you also. Each day fellowship with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, and very soon, there will be a totally new you.
The Bible clearly says that we are to grow in our level of faith, “from faith to faith” (Romans 1:17). We are to be transformed daily from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). So then it is clear that God wants us to grow in our faith and move on to the next level of glory.
Now don’t worry if you have made the wrong choices in the past. Don’t beat yourself up if your associations or environment have not been all that desirable.
The good news is that you can become a totally different person with the help of the Holy Spirit and your determination. You can become all that God wants you to be.
The key lies in the verse below:
The prophet Samuel told Saul saying, “The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will become a different person (1 Samuel 10:6)
Apostle John and his brother James were referred to as the sons of thunder, perhaps because of their anger. One day, Lord Jesus and His disciples were travelling through the village of Samaria on their way to Jerusalem, and the Samaritans did not receive Him. So the brothers, out of anger, approached Jesus for permission to call down fire from heaven to destroy the village (Luke 9:52-54).
Lord Jesus rebuked them sharply. However, through the constant fellowship of Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, they changed themselves. Today, we refer to John as an apostle of love. (1 John, 2 John, 3 John). What a drastic change! This can happen to you also. Each day fellowship with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, and very soon, there will be a totally new you.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You that I am in Christ and I am a new creation. All old things have passed away, and I decree and declare that all things have been made new in my life. Father, I thank You that I am Your own handiwork. Your workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus for good works. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Today is Day 7 of the Fast (the last day of the Daniel Fast)
Scripture Readings
Joshua 2:17-21
1 John 1:7
1 John 5:8
Prayer Missiles
Repeat every prayer point till you feel a release in your spirit man. Only then move on to the next prayer missile. Don’t rush.
[Take some oil and anoint every part of your home and other things in your house and keep saying the following even as you anoint your house and possessions]
1. I cover every part of my house and all my possessions with the Blood of Jesus Christ (Exodus 12:13)
[Anoint yourself and your family members with oil. If all your family members can say this, it would be good]
2. I cover my soul: conscious, sub-conscious, and unconscious: mind, will, emotions and intellect with the Blood of Jesus.
3. I cover my five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch with the Blood of Jesus.
4. I receive deliverance through the Blood of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 54:5)
5. I receive healing and health through the Blood of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:24).
6. Blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus. Be transfused into my blood and flush out every evil contamination in the name of Jesus. (Lay hands on your body as you say this)
7. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that everyone joining this Daniel fast would receive unusual breakthroughs and miracles. Let their testimonies turn many to the LORD.
Worship the LORD for sometime
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