The common misconception that being meek equates to weakness is likely due to the similarity between the words "meek" and "weak." However, just because two words rhyme does not mean they carry the same meaning. The negative connotation associated with meekness has led many to believe that a person is someone without strength or assertiveness. We often carry an image of a meek person as one dressing poorly or letting others walk all over them.
However, this misinterpretation is far from the truth. Lord Jesus, who is referred to as meek in Matthew 11:29, was anything but weak. On the contrary, he spoke with authority and stood up for what He believed in. He even demonstrated physical strength when He picked up and threw out the moneychangers from the temple.
Meekness is not about being a pushover or lacking strength but rather having the ability to control one's emotions and actions in a humble and gentle manner. It involves being patient, considerate, and showing compassion towards others. It takes great inner strength to exercise meekness in the face of adversity or conflict, as it requires setting aside one's ego and putting the needs of others first. In essence, meekness is a virtue that requires great inner strength and character rather than a sign of weakness.
A meek person is someone who acknowledges that there is always more to learn. They are open to being taught and do not let pride or arrogance get in the way of their growth or progress. On the other hand, an arrogant person thinks they already know everything and are not open to learning, which can lead to their downfall. A meek person, however, understands that knowledge is a double-edged sword. The more they learn, the more they realize how much they don't know. This humility and openness to learning can cause you to experience personal and professional growth, as well as a greater self-awareness.
Often when I preach the word of God, I have observed some individuals constantly distracted by checking their Whatsapp messages or social media status. Such are silently saying, "I don't need to know what you are telling me." James 1:21 tells us we are to "receive with meekness the engrafted word". Therefore, we must always maintain a teachable attitude when we learn the Word of God.
The Bible lists many additional benefits of meekness:
1.The meek will be satisfied:
Psalm 22:26 says, "The poor shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek Him shall praise the Lord! May your hearts live forever!" This verse suggests that those who possess a meek spirit and seek after God will find satisfaction in Him. They will not be left empty-handed but will find contentment and fulfilment in God's presence.
2. God will guide them:
Psalm 25:9 states, "He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way." This passage indicates that those who are meek will be guided by God. They will be shown the right path to take and taught how to live according to God's will. This guidance can bring peace, clarity, and purpose to one's life.
3. They will be filled with fresh joy:
Isaiah 29:19 says, "The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the Lord, and the poor among mankind shall exult in the Holy One of Israel." This verse indicates that those who are meek will experience a renewed sense of joy in their lives. This joy comes from being in God's presence and experiencing His love and grace. It is a joy that cannot be obtained from any other source and can sustain us through difficult times.
So you see, it pays to be teachable!
Father, I surrender, submit, and agree to what You want to do in and through my life. I let go. I lay down my pride and anger. Fill me with Your Spirit and make me teachable like Jesus. Amen!
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