Daily Manna
Facing Opposition with Faith
Friday, 5th of July 2024
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In the Bible, Nehemiah stands out as a remarkable leader who undertook the monumental task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Granted permission from King Artaxerxes, Nehemiah embarked on this mission with divine purpose and determination. However, as he diligently worked to restore the broken walls, he faced massive opposition. Despite the adversaries, Nehemiah's unwavering faith and commitment to God enabled him to complete the task in an astonishing 52 days (See Nehemiah 4).
When we faithfully pursue what God has called us to do, we should expect opposition. This resistance does not signify that we are outside of God's will; rather, it often confirms that we are precisely where we need to be. The opposition may come from various quarters, but we can find solace in the fact that our God is greater than any adversary. As Psalm 147:5 tells us, "Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure."
Apostle Paul also experienced this firsthand in his ministry. Reflecting on his work in Ephesus, Paul writes, "A wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries" (1 Corinthians 16:9). Paul understood that opportunities and opposition often go hand in hand. Whenever we are on the brink of a breakthrough, we can expect resistance.
Extraordinary challenges marked Paul's ministry. He endured severe hardships, including being beaten with rods, hung upside down with his feet whipped, shipwrecked multiple times, attacked by wild animals, imprisoned, and even stoned and left for dead (2 Corinthians 11:23-27). Despite these overwhelming obstacles, Paul's tenacious spirit and unwavering faith kept him moving forward. He refused to be deterred by adversity, embodying a resilient attitude that we should always aspire to emulate.
When we encounter opposition, we face a crucial decision: will we shrink back and give in, or will we adopt a Paul-like attitude and press on through the challenges? The Bible speaks of rewards for those who overcome. Revelation 3:21 promises, "To the one who conquers, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne." Success, in God's eyes, is not measured by the absence of opposition but by the perseverance and faith we exhibit in overcoming it.
Nehemiah's story offers valuable lessons in dealing with opposition. Upon hearing about the plight of Jerusalem's walls, Nehemiah's first response was to pray and fast, seeking God's guidance and favour (Nehemiah 1:4-11). His dependence on God was evident throughout the rebuilding process. When faced with threats and ridicule from his enemies, Nehemiah prayed, "Hear us, our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads" (Nehemiah 4:4). He fortified the workers by placing guards and encouraging them with the assurance that "our God will fight for us" (Nehemiah 4:20).
Nehemiah's strategic and prayerful approach teaches us the importance of combining faith with action. He did not allow the opposition to halt the work but adapted his plans to ensure the task continued. Similarly, we must remain steadfast in our calling, trusting that God will provide the strength and wisdom needed to overcome any obstacles.
In our own lives, we will undoubtedly encounter opposition as we strive to fulfil God's purposes. Whether it comes in the form of criticism, obstacles, or personal trials, we can draw strength from the examples of Nehemiah and Paul. By maintaining a steadfast faith, seeking God's guidance, and pressing on with determination, we can overcome any adversity.
The journey of faith is not always smooth, but it is in the face of adversity that our true character is revealed. As someone once said, success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have overcome. Let us, therefore, embrace the challenges, knowing that with God on our side, we can emerge victorious.
Father, give me Your power to overcome every giant, every mountain opposing me. I thank You that You are taking me to a higher level of influence. Empower me to stand on Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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